Secret Solstice Festival

Secret Solstice Festival

Zweryfikowany mieszkaniec

Secret Solstice Festival

Secret Solstice is an Icelandic music festival held in Reykjavík, to be more specifically in Laugardalur. The festival is being held for the first time and it is on the 20th-22nd of June 2014. There are over a hundred artist playing so I am pretty sure everyone can find something that they will like. The artists are both local and international from a various array of genres. You can find all the information's about the festival on the website.

If you are looking for a good reason to come to Iceland than I think you can not really find a more perfect excuse than this ;) These 3 days will be crazy fun, I can just already tell. Here is the facebook event! The artists I would really love to see are:

Gorgon city




Ben Pearce




Link to appstore phone
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