Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

Soaking in the Geosea Geothermal Sea baths in Húsavík 

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Regína in Geosea Geothermal Sea Baths

New geothermal sea baths, Geosea, have opened on the Húsavíkurhöfði cape in North-Iceland. I had seen some beautiful photos of the sea baths and knew that they would be a great addition to the already flourishing Whale watching capital of Iceland.

I was very eager to see them so we travelled up north to try them out.

I can describe my experience with one word - heavenly :)

Top photo: Soaking in Geosea geothermal sea baths

Regína in Geosea geothermal sea baths in Húsavík

Geosea geothermal sea baths in Húsavík

The infinity view from the new geothermal sea baths is breathtaking, and it filled me with such serenity soaking in the hot sea baths overlooking the sea. From the sea baths, you overlook Skjálfandaflói bay and the North-Atlantic, where you can watch boats and ships sail by.

And sea-birds fly by as the sea baths are located on the edge of the Húsavíkurhöfði cliffs 49 metres above sea level.

Many of the boats I spotted were whale watching boats, but Húsavík, being the whale watching capital of Iceland (some even say of Europe), offers many whale watching tours on Skjálfandaflói bay, where you can spot many different species of whales.

Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

Whale watching at Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

Minke whales are frequently spotted here together with the playful Humpback whales. Orcas and the cute White-beaked dolphins are also spotted here just to name a few of the whales in the bay.

You might even spot a whale yourself while soaking in the sea baths. We did and after a short while, everybody visiting the sea baths had started whale watching - with a great balcony view of the bay.

You can see the whale-watching boat heading in the direction of the whale we had spotted.

The logo of Geosea geothermal sea baths

The logo of Geosea geothermal sea baths

Just imagine what it must be like soaking in the geothermal sea baths watching the sunset - the first photos I saw of the sea baths were from a friend who posted such photos on Facebook. Hopefully next time I will be able to get some sunset photos to show to you. In the meantime, you can see beautiful photos on the Facebook page of Geosea

It must also be very special to soak in the sea baths and watch the Northern Lights dancing in the sky!

Soaking in the Geosea Geothermal Sea baths in Húsavík 

Geosea Geothermal Sea baths and the lighthouse

The geothermal sea baths are located right next to the 12-metres high bright yellow Húsavíkurviti lighthouse. Here we are at 66° North only a short distance away from the Arctic Circle, which cuts through Grímsey island - the Gem of the Arctic Circle.

The geothermal seawater comes from 2 boreholes in the vicinity, and the warm water in the sea baths is around 38-39° C with constant water flow. The geothermal seawater is rich in minerals and has proven to have beneficial effects on the skin. It is especially beneficial for people with skin diseases, much as the water in the Blue Lagoon in southwest Iceland is renowned for. 

Soaking in the Geosea Geothermal Sea baths in Húsavík 

By Geosea Geothermal Sea baths - a small waterfall

I spent a couple of hours at the sea baths, and after our visit, I ventured out on the edge of the cape in front of the sea baths to have a look at the new geothermal waterfall. Be careful here though as here we are on the very edge of the cliff.

On my earlier visits to Húsavík, I used to stop at the Ostakarið on Húsavíkurhöfði cape, the precursor to the Geosea geothermal sea baths. It was located just a stone throw away from the geothermal sea baths.

Regína in The old cheese tub Ostakarið - photo taken in 2016

The old cheese tub Ostakarið - photo taken in 2016

There you soaked in an old cheese tub from the dairy farmers cooperative, which was put by the borehole back in 1992. When the borehole was drilled geothermal seawater surfaced, which was too rich in minerals to be used for heating up Húsavík's houses.

But it proved to be so beneficial to the skin that the locals used it as a therapeutic bath - a spa in a cheese tub. 

The geothermal seawater from the borehole is now used for the Geosea geothermal sea baths and Ostakarið is closed. Now you can soak in more luxurious and beautiful surroundings and have a local beer in your hand, while you relax in the warm water.

Regína at Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

Getting some drinks at the bar doesn't require getting out of the hot pools

I was told that many of the local people of Húsavík have already bought a year's pass to the Geosea geothermal sea baths.

And Geosea has offered the pioneers, who put up the Ostakarið hot tub decades ago, free access to the new sea baths for the rest of their lives. Isn't that a lovely gesture :) 

Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

Soaking in the Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

Apart from going whale watching from Húsavík, visitors also stop here for the beautiful Húsavíkurkirkja church (built in 1907), which is one of the most beautiful churches in Iceland.

In Húsavík you can also visit interesting museums; the Whale Museum, the District Culture Centre, and the Exploration Museum. Here you will also find supermarkets, hotels and good restaurants.

Húsavíkurkirkja church at Húsavík N-Iceland

Húsavíkurkirkja church

My grandmother and her 14 siblings were born in Bjarnahús house, a house which my great-grandfather built with his father next to Húsavíkurkirkja church, after having moved here from Grenjaðarstaður. Being a 1/4 Húsvíkingur means that I have a special bond to this beautiful town and I am always happy to see new additions to Húsavík :)

I have already written some 280 travel-blogs on Iceland through the years and travelled widely in my country to seek out places and activities to write about in my travel-blog. And I am very happy with this latest addition to Húsavík, and predict that it will be very popular both amongst Icelanders and foreign guests visiting Iceland.

The sign pointing to Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

The sign pointing to Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

You will find the Geosea geothermal sea baths on Húsavíkurhöfði cape.

Just follow these signs - I turned by the Húsavík swimming pool and followed a couple of these signs up to the sea baths. Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

Geosea Geothermal Sea baths

Húsavík is located some 479 km away from Reykjavík, the capital city of Iceland. To visit this area you can rent a car in Reykjavík and drive up to North-Iceland. Take a couple of days to do so as there are many interesting places to visit on the way.

Akureyri - the Capital of North Iceland is another very lovely town to visit, located some 92 km southwest of Húsavík.

Have a lovely time on the Tjörnes peninsula :)

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