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Przewodnik turystyczny — Olkelda

2609 zweryfikowanych opinii
Atrakcje kulturalne, Rezerwaty przyrody
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Ólafsvík, Iceland
R2QH+RW Staðarstaður, Iceland
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Olkelda is famous for its carbonated water.Olkelda is a farm in the south of Snaefellsnes that draws its name from a mineral spring close by. Visitors are allowed to drink from the water in the spring, which is naturally carbonated.

Picture from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Bromr. No edits made.

The name Olkelda translates to "ale spring" in Icelandic, although the water in the spring is not alcoholic. The name is actually the Icelandic word used for mineral springs, meaning that Olkelda by the farm in Snaefellsnes is one of several in Iceland.

A tap is located by the mineral spring, allowing visitors to taste the natural mineral water. The water in Olkelda is excellent for drinking and is said to have healing properties. Discover this area in more depth on a tour of Snaefellsnes or on a self-drive tour.

Mineral Springs

The water in Olkelda is naturally carbonated, meaning it contains carbon dioxide gas that dissolves into the water underground. As a result, when the water emerges from the spring, it carries the dissolved carbon dioxide with it, meaning it's natural mineral water. This gives the water a fizzy sensation when consumed.

Mineral springs such as Olkelda can be found all over the world, but some may contain significant amounts of harmful dissolved minerals, such as arsenic, and are therefore dangerous to drink from.

When visiting Olkelda to taste the water, it's important to note that the carbonation levels may vary over time, and the intensity of the fizziness may differ depending on the specific conditions of the spring at any given time.

Things to Do Near Olkelda

Budir is a popular destination located a short distance from Olkelda in Snaefellsnes.Olkelda is on the Snaefellsnes peninsula, which has no shortage of interesting sights. 

Ytri Tunga Beach is located a short drive from Olkelda, which is famous for being the most reliable spot in Iceland to spot seals. The beach is also notable for having golden sand rather than black.

The village of Arnarstapi is also located on the south side of Snaefellsnes. Once a fishing hub, it has now become a popular destination for travelers thanks to its interesting history and beautiful surroundings.

Budir is another small village and a great place to visit when in the area. It is famous for its quaint church, pictured above.


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