Путеводитель: Тирфингстадир
Tyrfingsstaðir turf farm is a unique turf house with several outhouses, dating back to before the year 1300.
Explore this area on a self drive tour in Iceland.
Photo above by Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Last inhabited in 1969, these huts are unlike most other turf buildings in Iceland in the sense that the land is now privately owned. The landowners, however, have an agreement with Skagafjörður Heritage Museum, whereby the Museum is permitted to have courses in the traditional Icelandic building techniques here. This means that the turf houses are under a constant state of restoration.
Tyrfingsstaðir is set in a beautiful location, with the Austari Jökulsá river running through a dramatic gorge nearby; it is also right beside the incredible, uninhabited highland region called Austurdalur.
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