
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

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Hi, my name is Regína and I was born and raised here in Iceland. Since 2013 I have written 320 travel blogs about various interesting places to visit in Iceland. I hope you enjoy reading my travel-blog :)

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Skeljaverur - the Shell Dolls - Authentic Local Craft at Þingeyri in the Westfjords
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Skeljaverur - the Shell Dolls - Authentic Local Craft at Þingeyri in the Westfjords

In this travel-blog I want to tell you about a multi-talented artist who lives in the Westfjords of Iceland, Marsibil Guðbjörg Kristjánsdóttir, nicknamed Billa. I got to know Marsibil in the summer of 2024, when I visited Þingeyri village in Dýrafjörður fjord twice in the fall and fell in love with her work, the beautiful Skeljaverur dolls. Top photo: With Marsibil at her atelier One of Marsibil's many Skeljaverur artwork My husband, who is a comedy magician, was booked for the annual Act Alone festival at Suðureyri in the Westfjords, and again at the Kómedíuleikhúsið - the Comedy theatre

Sænautasel Turf House in the Highland of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Sænautasel Turf House in the Highland of Iceland

In my search for turf houses around Iceland, I visited Sænautasel, which is a rebuilt turf house on Jökuldalsheiði heath in the highland of Iceland.  It is, in my opinion, an extremely cute turf house, built from scratch from the remains of an earlier turf house. Sænautasel turf house Sænautasel dates back to 1843 and for 95-100 years people lived in this beautiful turf house - until 1943 when the last people moved out.  From 1841 until 1862 sixteen turf houses were built on the heath and at some point, 120 people lived in this area, which is approximately 500 meters above sea level. Now

The 20th Anniversary of the Act Alone Festival in Suðureyri in the Westfjords
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

The 20th Anniversary of the Act Alone Festival in Suðureyri in the Westfjords

Every town and village in Iceland celebrates its local festival, and in the remote Suðureyri village in the Westfjords of Iceland, a popular annual festival is held. The festival in Suðureyri is called Act Alone and is a Solo Performance festival, dedicated to the art of acting alone. Act Alone is the oldest theatre festival in Iceland and the only theatre festival that is held annually. I was invited to attend the 20th Anniversary of Act Alone, and had a great time. Don't miss this festival if you are visiting the Westfjords of Iceland on the second weekend of August. Top photo: with the

Kómedíuleikhúsið in Haukadalur - the smallest professional Theatre in Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Kómedíuleikhúsið in Haukadalur - the smallest professional Theatre in Iceland

Did you know that in Haukadalur valley in Dýrafjörður fjord in the Westfjords, you will find the smallest professional theatre in Iceland, called Kómedíuleikhúsið - the Comedy Theatre? I got to know this lovely little theatre better when my husband was booked for a magic and hypnosis show at Kómedíuleikhúsið theatre. Top photo: the lovely little Kómedíuleikhúsið theatre on a sunny day The theatre is located by the sea in beautiful surroundings in Dýrafjörður fjord On arrival, I found out that Kómedíuleikhúsið is one of the houses that is much bigger on the inside than it appears to be on t

The Spectacular Reiðskörð on Barðaströnd in the Westfjords of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

The Spectacular Reiðskörð on Barðaströnd in the Westfjords of Iceland

In my travel-blogs over the years, I have shown you many beautiful locations in the Westfjords of Iceland. In this travel-blog I want to show you a beautiful, lesser-known location, the amazing Reiðskörð volcanic dyke on Barðaströnd. Reiðskörð basalt dyke (berggangur in Icelandic), on a beautiful day, is an extraordinary place to visit, but take into account that this is also a place of execution, and it is said that this place was haunted. Top photo: Reiðskörð dyke I took this video of Reiðskörð from above while waiting for the tide to go out You can find Reiðskörð by Barðastrandarvegur

All time popular
Dvergasteinn - the Rock of the Dwarfs in Álftafjörður in the Westfjords of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Dvergasteinn - the Rock of the Dwarfs in Álftafjörður in the Westfjords of Iceland

Icelandic folkore is filled with stories about the hidden people of Iceland, and many of them tell us about the elves and the trolls of Iceland. I have shown you many of the places where these stories took place, and shown you quite a few rocks that are habitations of the elves, even one in Reykjavík close to my home. There is some mention in our folklore of rocks where dwarfs reside, not many though.  The best-known dwarf story tells us about the dwarf rock in Seyðisfjörður in the Eastfjords. Now let's visit one such place in the Westfjords of Iceland. Dvergasteinn farm and Dvergasteinn r

Ancient Viking Burial Mounds and Pagan Graves that I have visited on my Travels in Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Ancient Viking Burial Mounds and Pagan Graves that I have visited on my Travels in Iceland

  Archaeologists have discovered several ancient Viking burial mounds and pagan graves in my country, Iceland, some by chance when roads have been built.  In this travel-blog I want to show you the burial mounds and pagan graves that I have visited on my travels in my country. How we distinguish between pagan graves and Christian graves is that grave goods (haugfé), animals (a horse or a dog), and sometimes boats can be found in pagan graves. This changed with the conversion to Christianity. Top photo: Grave goods from a pagan grave in Vatnsdalur on display at our National Museum Þorgei

The infamous Katla Volcano in South Iceland is named after a Sorceress
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

The infamous Katla Volcano in South Iceland is named after a Sorceress

  In a previous travel-blog I told you about the infamous Katla volcano in Kötlujökull glacier and the ice caves that form in the glacier. Some of our volcanoes have female names - maybe because they are dangerous when they erupt ;) We fear the volcano Katla the most, its eruptions are cataclysmic. But, do you know how it got its name? Icelandic folklore tells us about the cook, murderer, and sorceress Katla.  Top photo: Kötlujökull glacier Mýrdalsjökull glacier This infamous volcano Katla, which we Icelanders fear so much, is lurking beneath the 590 sq.km ice cap of Kötlujökull, one o

Skáli Hallvarðs Súganda - Viking Settlement-Age Farm in the Westfjords of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Skáli Hallvarðs Súganda - Viking Settlement-Age Farm in the Westfjords of Iceland

As those of you, who read my travel blogs know, then I love writing about the Vikings, archaeological sights, turf houses, and folklore in Iceland. I hit the jackpot when I was invited to attend the opening of Skáli Hallvarðs súganda - a replica of a Viking settlement-age farm, built to honor the legacy of Hallvarður súgandi, the settler of Súgandafjörður in the Westfjords of Iceland. Top photo: a group of Vikings all dressed up for the opening ceremony of Skáli Hallvarðs súganda The making of Skáli Hallvarðs súganda settlement-age farm Did Hallvarður súgandi live in this location at Bot

The Concert Hall of the Elves of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

The Concert Hall of the Elves of Iceland

Through the years I have shown you many locations in Iceland where the elves and hidden people of Iceland reside. We share Iceland with them and respect and cherish them.  Some people see them or can hear them, but most of us don't. But we still acknowledge their existence, as our folklore is filled with stories about the hidden population of Iceland.  And our grandparents told us stories about them. In this travel blog I am going to show you one such beautiful location, but due to wishes from the elves I had to change my travel blog and cannot reveal its location. This is a sacred place and

Mina bloggar

All time popular
Skeljaverur - the Shell Dolls - Authentic Local Craft at Þingeyri in the Westfjords
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Skeljaverur - the Shell Dolls - Authentic Local Craft at Þingeyri in the Westfjords

In this travel-blog I want to tell you about a multi-talented artist who lives in the Westfjords of Iceland, Marsibil Guðbjörg Kristjánsdóttir, nicknamed Billa. I got to know Marsibil in the summer of 2024, when I visited Þingeyri village in Dýrafjörður fjord twice in the fall and fell in love with her work, the beautiful Skeljaverur dolls. Top photo: With Marsibil at her atelier One of Marsibil's many Skeljaverur artwork My husband, who is a comedy magician, was booked for the annual Act Alone festival at Suðureyri in the Westfjords, and again at the Kómedíuleikhúsið - the Comedy theatre

Sænautasel Turf House in the Highland of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Sænautasel Turf House in the Highland of Iceland

In my search for turf houses around Iceland, I visited Sænautasel, which is a rebuilt turf house on Jökuldalsheiði heath in the highland of Iceland.  It is, in my opinion, an extremely cute turf house, built from scratch from the remains of an earlier turf house. Sænautasel turf house Sænautasel dates back to 1843 and for 95-100 years people lived in this beautiful turf house - until 1943 when the last people moved out.  From 1841 until 1862 sixteen turf houses were built on the heath and at some point, 120 people lived in this area, which is approximately 500 meters above sea level. Now

The 20th Anniversary of the Act Alone Festival in Suðureyri in the Westfjords
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

The 20th Anniversary of the Act Alone Festival in Suðureyri in the Westfjords

Every town and village in Iceland celebrates its local festival, and in the remote Suðureyri village in the Westfjords of Iceland, a popular annual festival is held. The festival in Suðureyri is called Act Alone and is a Solo Performance festival, dedicated to the art of acting alone. Act Alone is the oldest theatre festival in Iceland and the only theatre festival that is held annually. I was invited to attend the 20th Anniversary of Act Alone, and had a great time. Don't miss this festival if you are visiting the Westfjords of Iceland on the second weekend of August. Top photo: with the

Kómedíuleikhúsið in Haukadalur - the smallest professional Theatre in Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Kómedíuleikhúsið in Haukadalur - the smallest professional Theatre in Iceland

Did you know that in Haukadalur valley in Dýrafjörður fjord in the Westfjords, you will find the smallest professional theatre in Iceland, called Kómedíuleikhúsið - the Comedy Theatre? I got to know this lovely little theatre better when my husband was booked for a magic and hypnosis show at Kómedíuleikhúsið theatre. Top photo: the lovely little Kómedíuleikhúsið theatre on a sunny day The theatre is located by the sea in beautiful surroundings in Dýrafjörður fjord On arrival, I found out that Kómedíuleikhúsið is one of the houses that is much bigger on the inside than it appears to be on t

The Spectacular Reiðskörð on Barðaströnd in the Westfjords of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

The Spectacular Reiðskörð on Barðaströnd in the Westfjords of Iceland

In my travel-blogs over the years, I have shown you many beautiful locations in the Westfjords of Iceland. In this travel-blog I want to show you a beautiful, lesser-known location, the amazing Reiðskörð volcanic dyke on Barðaströnd. Reiðskörð basalt dyke (berggangur in Icelandic), on a beautiful day, is an extraordinary place to visit, but take into account that this is also a place of execution, and it is said that this place was haunted. Top photo: Reiðskörð dyke I took this video of Reiðskörð from above while waiting for the tide to go out You can find Reiðskörð by Barðastrandarvegur

All time popular
Dvergasteinn - the Rock of the Dwarfs in Álftafjörður in the Westfjords of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Dvergasteinn - the Rock of the Dwarfs in Álftafjörður in the Westfjords of Iceland

Icelandic folkore is filled with stories about the hidden people of Iceland, and many of them tell us about the elves and the trolls of Iceland. I have shown you many of the places where these stories took place, and shown you quite a few rocks that are habitations of the elves, even one in Reykjavík close to my home. There is some mention in our folklore of rocks where dwarfs reside, not many though.  The best-known dwarf story tells us about the dwarf rock in Seyðisfjörður in the Eastfjords. Now let's visit one such place in the Westfjords of Iceland. Dvergasteinn farm and Dvergasteinn r

Ancient Viking Burial Mounds and Pagan Graves that I have visited on my Travels in Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Ancient Viking Burial Mounds and Pagan Graves that I have visited on my Travels in Iceland

  Archaeologists have discovered several ancient Viking burial mounds and pagan graves in my country, Iceland, some by chance when roads have been built.  In this travel-blog I want to show you the burial mounds and pagan graves that I have visited on my travels in my country. How we distinguish between pagan graves and Christian graves is that grave goods (haugfé), animals (a horse or a dog), and sometimes boats can be found in pagan graves. This changed with the conversion to Christianity. Top photo: Grave goods from a pagan grave in Vatnsdalur on display at our National Museum Þorgei

The infamous Katla Volcano in South Iceland is named after a Sorceress
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

The infamous Katla Volcano in South Iceland is named after a Sorceress

  In a previous travel-blog I told you about the infamous Katla volcano in Kötlujökull glacier and the ice caves that form in the glacier. Some of our volcanoes have female names - maybe because they are dangerous when they erupt ;) We fear the volcano Katla the most, its eruptions are cataclysmic. But, do you know how it got its name? Icelandic folklore tells us about the cook, murderer, and sorceress Katla.  Top photo: Kötlujökull glacier Mýrdalsjökull glacier This infamous volcano Katla, which we Icelanders fear so much, is lurking beneath the 590 sq.km ice cap of Kötlujökull, one o

Skáli Hallvarðs Súganda - Viking Settlement-Age Farm in the Westfjords of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Skáli Hallvarðs Súganda - Viking Settlement-Age Farm in the Westfjords of Iceland

As those of you, who read my travel blogs know, then I love writing about the Vikings, archaeological sights, turf houses, and folklore in Iceland. I hit the jackpot when I was invited to attend the opening of Skáli Hallvarðs súganda - a replica of a Viking settlement-age farm, built to honor the legacy of Hallvarður súgandi, the settler of Súgandafjörður in the Westfjords of Iceland. Top photo: a group of Vikings all dressed up for the opening ceremony of Skáli Hallvarðs súganda The making of Skáli Hallvarðs súganda settlement-age farm Did Hallvarður súgandi live in this location at Bot

The Concert Hall of the Elves of Iceland
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

The Concert Hall of the Elves of Iceland

Through the years I have shown you many locations in Iceland where the elves and hidden people of Iceland reside. We share Iceland with them and respect and cherish them.  Some people see them or can hear them, but most of us don't. But we still acknowledge their existence, as our folklore is filled with stories about the hidden population of Iceland.  And our grandparents told us stories about them. In this travel blog I am going to show you one such beautiful location, but due to wishes from the elves I had to change my travel blog and cannot reveal its location. This is a sacred place and

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