
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Blogueur de voyage certifié

A writer for this site, integral in its shaping, as well as an avid traveler and a Reykjavik local, I have a fair knowledge of the country and traveling. Good in languages, have a BA in English. Other interests: Music, films, coffee houses, swimming, politics, health and humanitarian issues, folklore, anthropology, arts, poetry, culture, nature, hiking, history etc. I would be happy to direct you to good tours and recommend cool stuff. The opinions that I express on my blog are solely my own.
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Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Eistnaflug 2016 Review, Pt. I

A personal review of Eistnaflug 2016. Photo by Eríkur Simonsen. Poster courtesy of Eistnaflug. Neskaupstaður is a usually a fairly quiet little fishing town. It has a population of roughly 1500 people and is located by the beautiful fjord Norðfjörður, with impressive mountains looming above and stretching towards the sea. For 12 years, however, it has been the location of one of Iceland's most beloved and renowned music festivals, the metal festival Eistnaflug. Over the course of 3-4 days, the population is doubled as people from all over come to rock, socialize and generally have a gre

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Reykjavík Culture Night 2013

  Tomorrow, August, 24th, the people of Reykjavík will celebrate their 18th Culture Night, with all kinds of cultural events taking place throughout the city in streets, squares, alleys, parks, galleries, culture houses and even in some people’s own homes. The locals of Reykjavík join in creating and enjoying this festival, and it has become one of the largest and most popular event in the country. This is a great opportunity to see the best of Icelandic art and enjoy great company with surprise events. The events are too numerous to list in this blog, but you can read a full schedule her

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Flying Testicles Festival - Eistnaflug 2016 Review, Pt. I

A personal review of Eistnaflug 2016   Photo courtesy of Eistnaflug Neskaupstaður is a usually a fairly quiet little fishing town. It has a population of roughly 1500 people and is located by the beautiful fjord Norðfjörður, with impressive mountains looming above and stretching towards the sea. For 12 years, however, it has been the location of one of Iceland most beloved and renowned music festivals, the metal festival Eistnaflug. Over the course of 3-4 days, the population is doubled as people from all over come to rock, socialize and generally have a great time. Trailer for the Eistn

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

RIFF - Reykjavík International Film Festival 2014

Its poster has a giant Godzilla-esque puffin wrecking havoc in Reykjavík. If this hasn't already dragged you in, consider the fact that RIFF is one of Iceland's greatest and most diverse cultural events. This annual film festival, starting today, September 22. and lasting until October 5th, draws Icelanders and people all over the world to check out what is fresh and new in international film making. Add to that discussions with directors, panels, lectures, concerts, photo exhibitions and unorthodox viewing experiences, such as watching a film from a swimming pool, at a drive-in cinema or ev

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Einar Went to the Movies II: Málmhaus

Last year I had the privilege of going to a pre-screening of the film Málmhaus (‘Metalhead’) by Icelandic director Ragnar Bragason. I was already a fan of his previous movies and the Nightwatch/Daywatch/Prisonwatch TV-series, as well as being a fan of heavy metal, so I was excited to see his latest release. The film centers on Hera, who as a young girl loses her brother, a heavy metal fan to whom she’d been close, to a tragic and fatal accident. We then encounter her as a young woman and metalhead, rebellious and alienated, seeking solace and outlet in the metal as well as somewhat adopting

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Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Happy 13th of Christmas!

Þrettándinn, January 6th, is the last day of Christmas, as it is celebrated in Iceland. I wrote a bit about it exactly a year ago. As with New Year‘s Eve, this is a time when Icelanders gather with their family and/or party, bonfires are lit and fireworks are, well, fired. Indeed the sky is ablaze and a strong sulphur smell follows the next day. If you intend to sleep that night in Reykjavik, I suggest earplugs. As with New Year‘s Eve and Christmas, there is plenty of folklore connected with the Thirteenth, cows are said to be able to speak on that night, elves move places, seals take off t

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Last chance to catch the Reykjavik Shorts & Docs Festival 2013

  The annual  Reykjavik Shorts & Docs film festival ends tomorrow, May 16th. The festival features both short films, animations and documentary films from around the world. The festival especially strives to include new talent and to offer a cozy atmosphere for the screenings and aims at showing films that are challenging, sexy, funny outrageous and exucational or otherwise films that are essential viewing.   For a full scedule and more info, check the festival's website. Despite its two screenings being over in Iceland, if you should get the chance to see A World Not Ours anywhere, I wo

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Buns & Bakeries, Tea & ale: Four Weird Icelandic Sayings

Gotta love language. I especially love sayings in different languages. Sometimes these will be the same or similar between countries and sometimes completely different. My favourites are probably those that seem to make little or no sense at all, even to native speakers. Here are four local ones: 1)  Hann/hún vildi fá eitthvað fyrir snúð sinn = He/she wanted something for his/her bun (well, actually for his/her effort/trouble). The word "snúður" typically refers to a cinnamon bun but it‘s original meaning is a twist, as in a spinning wheel.   "Að snúast" indeed means to turn or, indirectly

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Intercultural Day in Reykjavik

  Tomorrow, May 11th, Reykjavik will celebrate multiculturalism and diversity, showcasing the different cultures in the capital on its fifth annual Intercultural Day. The fun starts at 13:00 with a parade from Hallgrímskirkja church, marching down to the city hall. Thereafter there will be a full and diverse schedule of festivites, including music, dance and poetry at various places in the central area, celebrating the many and rich cultures of the people staying the city.   This is a great event for the whole family to enjoy and everyone is welcome. The schedule is as follows: Tjarnarbí

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Election results... *le sigh*

I have not much to add about the results of the parliamentary elections that you won't be able to read in the international media anyway. So instead of elaborating on the sad fact that the two parties that were crucial in instigating the financial crash got the majority of votes, in order to get my feelings off my chest I will simply share this video, that pretty much sums up my view on that:  I still urge everyone to visit Iceland. We have cookies.

Mes blogs

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Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Eistnaflug 2016 Review, Pt. I

A personal review of Eistnaflug 2016. Photo by Eríkur Simonsen. Poster courtesy of Eistnaflug. Neskaupstaður is a usually a fairly quiet little fishing town. It has a population of roughly 1500 people and is located by the beautiful fjord Norðfjörður, with impressive mountains looming above and stretching towards the sea. For 12 years, however, it has been the location of one of Iceland's most beloved and renowned music festivals, the metal festival Eistnaflug. Over the course of 3-4 days, the population is doubled as people from all over come to rock, socialize and generally have a gre

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Reykjavík Culture Night 2013

  Tomorrow, August, 24th, the people of Reykjavík will celebrate their 18th Culture Night, with all kinds of cultural events taking place throughout the city in streets, squares, alleys, parks, galleries, culture houses and even in some people’s own homes. The locals of Reykjavík join in creating and enjoying this festival, and it has become one of the largest and most popular event in the country. This is a great opportunity to see the best of Icelandic art and enjoy great company with surprise events. The events are too numerous to list in this blog, but you can read a full schedule her

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Flying Testicles Festival - Eistnaflug 2016 Review, Pt. I

A personal review of Eistnaflug 2016   Photo courtesy of Eistnaflug Neskaupstaður is a usually a fairly quiet little fishing town. It has a population of roughly 1500 people and is located by the beautiful fjord Norðfjörður, with impressive mountains looming above and stretching towards the sea. For 12 years, however, it has been the location of one of Iceland most beloved and renowned music festivals, the metal festival Eistnaflug. Over the course of 3-4 days, the population is doubled as people from all over come to rock, socialize and generally have a great time. Trailer for the Eistn

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

RIFF - Reykjavík International Film Festival 2014

Its poster has a giant Godzilla-esque puffin wrecking havoc in Reykjavík. If this hasn't already dragged you in, consider the fact that RIFF is one of Iceland's greatest and most diverse cultural events. This annual film festival, starting today, September 22. and lasting until October 5th, draws Icelanders and people all over the world to check out what is fresh and new in international film making. Add to that discussions with directors, panels, lectures, concerts, photo exhibitions and unorthodox viewing experiences, such as watching a film from a swimming pool, at a drive-in cinema or ev

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Einar Went to the Movies II: Málmhaus

Last year I had the privilege of going to a pre-screening of the film Málmhaus (‘Metalhead’) by Icelandic director Ragnar Bragason. I was already a fan of his previous movies and the Nightwatch/Daywatch/Prisonwatch TV-series, as well as being a fan of heavy metal, so I was excited to see his latest release. The film centers on Hera, who as a young girl loses her brother, a heavy metal fan to whom she’d been close, to a tragic and fatal accident. We then encounter her as a young woman and metalhead, rebellious and alienated, seeking solace and outlet in the metal as well as somewhat adopting

All time popular
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Happy 13th of Christmas!

Þrettándinn, January 6th, is the last day of Christmas, as it is celebrated in Iceland. I wrote a bit about it exactly a year ago. As with New Year‘s Eve, this is a time when Icelanders gather with their family and/or party, bonfires are lit and fireworks are, well, fired. Indeed the sky is ablaze and a strong sulphur smell follows the next day. If you intend to sleep that night in Reykjavik, I suggest earplugs. As with New Year‘s Eve and Christmas, there is plenty of folklore connected with the Thirteenth, cows are said to be able to speak on that night, elves move places, seals take off t

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Last chance to catch the Reykjavik Shorts & Docs Festival 2013

  The annual  Reykjavik Shorts & Docs film festival ends tomorrow, May 16th. The festival features both short films, animations and documentary films from around the world. The festival especially strives to include new talent and to offer a cozy atmosphere for the screenings and aims at showing films that are challenging, sexy, funny outrageous and exucational or otherwise films that are essential viewing.   For a full scedule and more info, check the festival's website. Despite its two screenings being over in Iceland, if you should get the chance to see A World Not Ours anywhere, I wo

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Buns & Bakeries, Tea & ale: Four Weird Icelandic Sayings

Gotta love language. I especially love sayings in different languages. Sometimes these will be the same or similar between countries and sometimes completely different. My favourites are probably those that seem to make little or no sense at all, even to native speakers. Here are four local ones: 1)  Hann/hún vildi fá eitthvað fyrir snúð sinn = He/she wanted something for his/her bun (well, actually for his/her effort/trouble). The word "snúður" typically refers to a cinnamon bun but it‘s original meaning is a twist, as in a spinning wheel.   "Að snúast" indeed means to turn or, indirectly

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Intercultural Day in Reykjavik

  Tomorrow, May 11th, Reykjavik will celebrate multiculturalism and diversity, showcasing the different cultures in the capital on its fifth annual Intercultural Day. The fun starts at 13:00 with a parade from Hallgrímskirkja church, marching down to the city hall. Thereafter there will be a full and diverse schedule of festivites, including music, dance and poetry at various places in the central area, celebrating the many and rich cultures of the people staying the city.   This is a great event for the whole family to enjoy and everyone is welcome. The schedule is as follows: Tjarnarbí

Einar Steinn Valgarðsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

Election results... *le sigh*

I have not much to add about the results of the parliamentary elections that you won't be able to read in the international media anyway. So instead of elaborating on the sad fact that the two parties that were crucial in instigating the financial crash got the majority of votes, in order to get my feelings off my chest I will simply share this video, that pretty much sums up my view on that:  I still urge everyone to visit Iceland. We have cookies.

Photos par moi

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