Bræðslan Music festival 2014

Bræðslan Music festival 2014

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Bræðslan Music festival 2014

Bræðslan is a music festival held in Borgarfjörður eystri on the East Coast of Iceland.  The festival is always held the last weekend in July in a fish factory. Artists that will be playing are for example Emilía Torrini and Drangar. There are also off venue concerts where artists like Ragnheiður Gröndal, Jónas Sig and Magni. 


''The festival has set out to host a broad mix of Indi/Rock/Pop artists, offering both young talents and veterans to play at the festival. Young artists such as Of Monsters and men and Asgeir and more experienced Icelanders such as Hjálmar, Megas, Páll Óskar, Mugison".

Find out more about Bræðslan music festival.

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