Iceland Airwaves 2014

Iceland Airwaves 2014

Zweryfikowany mieszkaniec

''The best decision I have ever made!!'' 

''I am definitely going next year''

The only things I have ever hoard people say about airwaves is that it's the greatest. I have never been to the festival but I really would love to go. The first Airwaves was held 1999 and has been held ever since here in Iceland. 

Rolling Stone magazine called it “The hippest long weekend on the annual music-festival calendar.”

The festival will be 5 - 9 November. The line up is great and you can buy tickets at I am 99,9% sure that no one would regret going. I think people would rather want to go again. 

The bands are all really good, but these are the ones that I would most want to see: 







Link to appstore phone
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