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Reykjavík bosættelsesudstilling Rejseguide

662 Google anmeldelser
Reykjavík, Iceland
Aðalstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
09:00 - 18:00
Afstand fra centrum
0.5 km
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse
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The Settlement Exhibition of Reykjavík.

The Reykjavík Settlement Exhibition is a fascinating place where visitors can discover, and witness with their own eyes, the secrets of this country’s Viking beginnings.

Photo above from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Szilas. No edits made.

In 2001, an incredible archaeological find was discovered right in the middle of Iceland’s downtown area, at Aðalstræti. Part of a tenth-century longhouse was uncovered, as well as relics dating back to before 871, before the Settlement Era even officially began. These have been excellently preserved for guests, and are on clear display.

The exhibition also boasts multimedia and interactive facilities where this cloudy part of history can be explored, keeping the experience fun for adults and children alike.

Adult tickets are 1600 ISK; children, seniors and those with a Reykjavík City Card get free admission, however. The Reykavík Settlement Exhibition is also called the Reykjavík 871/2 Settlement Museum.

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