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Skógar Rejseguide

55 Godkendte anmeldelser
Gletsjere, Vandfald, Kulturelle attraktioner, Skove
Afstand fra centrum
39.9 km
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse
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Near to Skogar is the waterfall Skogafoss.

Skógar, in South Iceland, is a tiny village and popular stop for travellers. It has a population of about 20 people, features a regional museum and is close to the beautiful Skógafoss waterfall.

The area had a regional school until 1949, now run as a hotel. Visit the area on a tour of the South Coast of Iceland.

The Regional Museum Site

The museum features several buildings. The main building has many interesting artefacts, but its main attraction is an eight-oar fishing ship, a beautiful relic revealing Iceland’s maritime history.

There is an electricity station in the area, built in 1929. There’s also charming little schoolhouse there, built in 1901 and serving until 1907. Furthermore, there is a beautiful church, built in the 19th century style, using material from decomissioned churches across the country.

A transport museum at the site has a collection of vehicles, along with an exhibition on the history of transport and its development in Iceland. This story is surprisingly fascinating, seeming as Iceland was such a disconnected country until the mid-twentieth century.

The timber house of Hölt has its earliest origins in 1878 but has since been restored, with the latest restoration occurring around 1950. The house has domestic artefacts ranging from 1870-1930.

Another reconstructed old building dates back to 1920, and there is also an old reconstructed turf farm of seven houses, dating back to the 19th century, showcasing and exhibition on farm life of the time.

Nearby Attractions

There are several spectacular waterfalls in the area. The most famous, about five kilometres (three miles) from Skógar, is Skógafoss waterfall, one of the highest and most beautiful waterfalls in Iceland.

You can walk to the top of the waterfall and on sunny days it may produce a rainbow.

You can also travel by jeep to Fimmvörðuháls, one of Iceland’s most popular hiking routes. The volcanic glaciers Mýrdalsjökull (home to the Katla volcano) and Eyjafjallajökull are not  far off, the latter  famous for its 2010 eruption.

Further north is Þórsmörk, one of Iceland’s most popular hiking sites.



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