My First

My First

Persona local verificada

I guess an introduction is in order. 

My name is Aldís Amah Hamilton and I consider myself a true blue Icelander. Born in Essen, Germany, I spent three years there before my Icelandic/Canadian raised mother and I moved "back home" to Iceland. So my German does exists but it's nothing amazing. 

Spending my childhood in a safe and friendly place like west side Reykjavík was a blessing. Kids can play freely in the streets here and wander about without the dangers that a cosmopolis has, I got to know all the little side streets and shortcuts. In older years, as I started braving the downtown of Reykjavík at night, I became very familiar with the best clubs, pubs and restaurants that our city has to offer.

My heritage on my father's side is african/native-american. I've been to the States a few times and love it, but not as much as I love Reykjavík. There's something unexplainable about going downtown on a sunny summer day. The streets are crowded with people, restaurants have their outside areas open all day and more often than not there'll be some kind of entertainment going on on Laugavegur. And you always meet someone you know, every.single.time!

My interests include: animals (first place), healthy living, food (not necessarily in that order!), traveling, beautiful scenery, people, computer games, makeup artistry, languages, asian culture and music (way to much than I care to admit), US singer Beyoncé and japanese singer Koda Kumi (more like an obsession) and so much more! 

Languages I speak: Icelandic, English, basic German, Norwegian and Danish. And I enjoy learning some japanese and korean on the side.

So I've gone and done my first *GuidetoIceland* blog! I hope you liked it and will keep coming back for more. 

Here's an unfiltered (yeah I know) picture of a small pond on my way to the Blue Lagoon on a crisp fall day.

My First


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