Vatnsnes peninsula in North Iceland

Vatnsnes peninsula in North Iceland

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Vatnsnes is a peninsula in the north west part of Iceland, is a place of great natural beauty. Vatnsnes is jutting into Húnaflói in northern Iceland. It is surrounded by waters of Miðfjörður fjord on the west and Húnafjörður on the east. It is home to one of the largest seal colonies in Iceland. The peninsula is also a very interesting place for photographers, with beautiful landscape, nature and wildlife. Here are some of the best attractions by Vatnsnes peninsula:

Hamarsrétt is a sheep and horse pen close to the sea shore.


Conveniently located in the neighbourhood of Hamarsrétt is the farm Hamarsbúð where the traditional Icelandic Food Festival, the “Fjöruhlaðborð”, is celebrated every year.


The Rock Ánaðastapi is standing at the coastline west side of Vatnsnes. 


The abandoned farm Stapar at Vatnsnes

Stapar 2

A seal resting at the beach close to the farm. 


Tröllabörn in Icelandic means the children of trolls. Old Icelandic folklore is full of stories of trolls that roam the night and turn into stone if they are hit by the rays of the sun. This row of rocks must therefore have once been a row of troll children.


On Vatnsnes in Húnafjörður there is an awesome rock formation called Hvítserkur. It is a 15m high monolith. The sea has through the ages creatively eroded the rock into a strange formation. Legend has that Hvítserkur was a troll caught by the sunrise while attempting to destroy the Christian monastery at Þingeyrar.


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