pocket guide book

pocket guide book

Autor: Jórunn
Persona local verificada

pocket guide book

Recently I made a little pocket book that is for sale online. This little pocket book will guide you to some of the most beautiful places in Iceland in an easy and effortless way. It's a good choice for those who have little time to organize a trip or for those of you who have little time in Iceland but want to explore some places while here. In this book four areas are presented i.e. the south coast from Reykjavík to Vík, Snæfellsnes peninsula in the west, Reykjanes peninsula in the south and the popular Golden Circle. Each area presented is a good choice for a day trip and all of these places are very easy to access and find. The coordinates for every location are attached along with a descriptive text and a photo.  

If you want to buy a pocket guide book about Iceland then press this link.

If you want to travel to those places check renting a car HERE

Link to appstore phone
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