93 reseñas
Excelente empresa


Íshestar has been a leading tour operator since 1982. We are a horseback riding tour operator who has been offering horseback ridi
Íshestar has been a leading tour operator since 1982. We are a horseback riding
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93 reseñas
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04/03/2025, 15:41

Hej! Superbra och fint ordnat. Bra genomgång, man fick låna allt som behövdes och underbara hästar.

Sara Lehman

Sara Lehman

31/12/2024, 01:22

This tour was incredible! The horses were beautiful and my 2 children, ages 9 and 13, felt so comfortable and hopped right up on the horses for a breathtaking trip through a snow covered landscape. It was magical!! The guides were friendly and informative and made sure my kids were safe for the ride. I would recommend to anyone interested in an beautiful adventure!

Noah Hellaby

Noah Hellaby

09/10/2024, 11:15

It was amazing, very accommodating of jackets and hats to keep warm. Coffee and hot chocolate provided as well was great. Horses are well trained and calm. Staff was great, there was one guide though but I don't count it against them because that guide really cares about the horses. Everyone else was very nice and accommodating. I recommend this place highly to anyone for their first time.

Eva Coleman

Eva Coleman

16/01/2024, 15:57

So fun! The facility was very nice and horses were so cute! Staff were friendly and the tour was really informing. Would book again!

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