The Return...

The Return...

Lyonel Perabo
Écrit par : Lyonel Perabo
Local vérifié

The Return...

Hey guys ! I am back !

I basically spent three months in Norway and America. I had a real blast but obviously I could not blog much about Icelandic thingies you can guess.

This is about to change! I indeed just came back to Iceland. I will be back for two months and I already have some nice stuff I want to promote, so stay tuned, I will be coming back very soon with my legendary wits and a couple half-decent photos for your enjoyment!

In the meanwhile, you can check some of the pics I took while away. You can even test yourself trying to guess which ones are from Norway and which ones are from America. Have fun!

The Return...



The Return...



The Return...



The Return...



The Return...


The Return...



The Return...



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