
Lyonel Perabo

Blogger di viaggio certificato

Hi there, I'm Lyonel, a Northern Lights Hunter and a Ma Student in Folkloristic. I have the pleasure of being a professional Northern Lights hunter with experience both in Iceland and in North Norway where I am now based. Don't hesitate to drop me a line if you want to have some tips on the matter or discuss anything Icelandic/Nordic related
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My Take on the Golden Circle Tour

  A friend of mine came to visit a couple weeks ago and he strongly expressed his desire to experience as much as possible of Iceland during his short stay. Although I was mighty busy with school work, translating Sagas and studying the transcription of XIVth century vellum manuscripts, I still accompanied him on one of trip, namely, and as the title of of this post indicates, the famous Golden Circle tour! As we were lazy and didn’t wanted to wake up super early, we picked up the slightly shorter tour, namely the 6 hour long-tour with Reykjavik Excursions. The tour started at 13,00 in the

Aurora over Þingvallavatn

Mars has been a weird month in many ways. While February was bright, sunny and dry, March has been just plain chaotic. We got some of the most beautiful days since the beginning of the winter but also some of the stormiest event I have witnessed. All of that makes hunting the Aurora all the more difficult but we did managed to see them last night anyway! I have to say that this wasn’t to my credit (when is it anyway?) as the skies had been extremely clear for the whole day. And contrary to what’s often the case the skies remained clear as night fell. On our coach this night, we decided to d

Frost-bitten Aurora in Kalfatjörn

Last night was rough in many aspects. The Solar activity level was hitting rock bottom and the clouds were covering most of the sky in West-Iceland. I knew from the start that it would be difficult to see the lights tonight, if we would see them at all! We started the tour by heading towards the Reykjanes Peninsula, where the clouds were supposed to be thinner than in other places. We stopped just a little bit south of Keflavík and had a look outside. There were indeed many clouds, but the Northern sky was mostly clear, which is of course always a good point, but there were still no Norther

Aurora on Saint Patrick‘s Day!

I really really love my job sometimes. And sometimes not. You can never know when starting a tour if you’ll end up happy, having delivered the goods to your hopeful guests or ride home for hours in the gloomy atmosphere of failure. Obviously if I write today it’s because last night’s tour was successful. Yes, we indeed did see Northern Lights on Saint-Patrick’s day? Too good to be true? Let me tell you how it went: Firstly, the night before had been horrendous. We drove waaay beyond Borgarnes something like 80 kilometers away from Reykjavík but the only thing we did experience was the stin

Aurora in Downtown Reykjavík!

These days the weather in Reykjavík is real crazy and we alternate between clear, sunny spots and evil hail-storms. Not exactly the best conditions if you want. In any cases, last night we had quite many guests so, despite the rather chaotic weather, we did set off to the Suðurnes peninsula, hoping to reach clearer skies.   We had only driven a couple minutes past Hafnarfjörður when we realized that the skies were clearing up. The (almost) Full-moon revealed a gigantic gap in the sky and we soon reached the Kalfatjörn church. There, we could indeed see some rather clear skies, but no Northe

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Hunting the Aurora in Suðurnes

Hello folks! Here in Reykjavík the snow is getting real wet and we’ve got such strong winds that there won’t be any tour tonight. Instead, maybe I could tell you about last night’s tour that ended up surprisingly well? Sunday during the day we got really violent snow-fall. For hours and hours during the night we experienced many inches of snow falling down the skies and I was really starting to question my boss’ wits has he had drafted me to go this very night. By 20, 30 though, the snow-fall had stopped and we went on to pick-up our guests. Unsurprisingly enough, not all of them showed up

Iceland's Christmas Trees of Light

Let's talk about something else than the Northern Lights, shall we? Iceland's Christmas tree lights light up the city of Reykjavík beautifully. Something that is quite interesting in Iceland during the winter is the lack of light. You know, Iceland is quite close to the Arctic Circle so the days are much longer during the summer but also much shorter in the winter. In December, you should feel contended when you have four hours of daylight! See Also: Iceland in December One effect this darkness has obviously, is to make people long for light! And then when the Christmas 'summer' comes, t

Crazy Lights over Hafnarfjörður

My boss really works me hard ! For the fifth time in a row I got drafted for a tour and as usual, I was really unsure how the evening would be. We did saw some great Northern Lights the day before but the solar activity levels appeared to be goin down in the hour preceeding the tour, but at least weather-wise, it was kinda okay. We went on on a mini-bus this time, but because of a strange case of over-booking, we had to swap bus for a 25 seater instead. After leaving Kopavogur (where our buses were stationed) we continued through Hafnarfjörður towards the end of the Suðurnes peninsula. We

Northern Lights and the Haystacks

For the fourth night in a row I had been drafted to guide and as often, I was a bit fearful. As you probably have heard, Thursday had been a high point in term of solar activity and it is quite common to have a sharp decline in solar activity (and consequently in Northern Lights) immediately afterwards. We nevertheless picked our guest as usual, this time a in a 19 seater mini-bus and drove out of the city. For this particular night, we thought about driving towards Þingvellir as it appeared that the clearest skies would be East of the city. We consequently drove there and stopped by a dal

Northern Lights in Reykjavík (The strongest ones I ever saw)

Dear Friends, today I will be a man of few words. Yesterday, we experienced some extremely strong Northern-Lights. The Solar activity levels started rising up like crazy already by 18:00 and as we started the tour, a bit before 21:00 you could already see some Northern Lights. I was then really scared that everything would be gone before we could find a good place out of the city lights, but as we drove just a couple of minutes North of Reykjavík the Aurora grew stronger, and stronger, and stronger… We jumped out of the bus on the first parking space available. What followed was, quite s

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