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Informasjon om Sigoldufoss Waterfall

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The Sigoldufoss waterfall in the Icelandic Highlands.Sigoldufoss is a picturesque waterfall in the Icelandic Highlands, most famous for its vivid blue color. This attraction is only accessible in summer.

Nestled in the remote Sigoldugljufur canyon, the Sigoldufoss waterfall has a peaceful atmosphere and a gentle flow. It’s well worth a visit for Highland travelers who want to discover hidden gems or tranquil places.

You can visit the Sigoldufoss waterfall on a summer self-drive tour. This 10-road trip focusing on the Highlands provides a great opportunity to see it.

Otherwise, you can hire a 4x4 and visit the feature yourself. Alternatively, book a private super jeep tour of the Highlands and ask your guide to take you to the waterfall.

Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Mickaël Delcey. No edits made.

What is the Sigoldufoss Waterfall, and What Makes It Special?

Sigoldufoss waterfall is about 30 feet (roughly 10 meters) high and sits on the Tungnaa River (a tributary of the larger Thjorsa River). The Tungnaa River used to be much larger and more powerful, but its topography changed when the Sigalda hydroelectric station was installed in 1981. 

The blue waters of the Sigoldofuss waterfall in South Iceland.

Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Lovepro. No edits made.

The bright-blue waters of the Sigoldufoss waterfall make it well worth visiting. It’s a perfect spot for photographers who want to capture natural beauty without adding filters. Its secluded location in the Highlands means there aren’t usually many tourists, so you can take your time, soak in the calm atmosphere, and enjoy your surroundings without disturbance.

Where Is the Sigoldufoss Waterfall?

The Sigoldufoss waterfall is in the southern area of the Icelandic Highlands, just north of the Fjallabak Nature Reserve.

Despite its remote location, it’s relatively easy to get to if you have a vehicle with four-wheel drive. It’s close to the Hrauneyjar Highland Center, so there’s a paved road most of the way. However, if you’re not used to driving on mountainous roads, it’s worth exercising caution — Iceland’s F-Roads can be challenging and require a four-wheel drive.

How to Reach Sigoldufoss Waterfall?

The cascade of the Sigoldufoss Waterfall.

Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Guido.karl. No edits made.

Selfoss is one of the closest towns to the waterfall, so this is a good starting point if you plan to reach the falls. However, the Highlands are remote, so it’s still about 70 miles (112 kilometers) from the falls.

Follow the Ring Road eastward from Selfoss for about 16 miles (27 kilometers), then turn left onto Route 26 (also known as Landvegur). Continue for roughly 40 miles (approximately 63 kilometers), then turn left onto Route F26 and drive for another 14 miles (33 kilometers). Turn right onto Route F208, and you’ll find the waterfall after a few miles.

What Other Attractions Are Near the Sigoldufoss Waterfall?

Although the Sigoldufoss waterfall is in a remote location, you can still visit other attractions while you’re in the area.

Krakatindur Volcano

The Krakatindur volcano is a little further along the F-Road from the Sigoldufoss waterfall. You’ll need a 4x4 to reach it, as the track is bumpy and uneven.

The volcano is tall and jagged, surrounded by a beautiful mossy lava field. Although part of the larger Hekla volcano system, which is one of Iceland’s most active volcanoes, Krakatindur hasn’t erupted for almost 150 years. 

Hiking Areas

A picturesque river flows through the Landmannalaugar hiking area of the Fjallabak Nature Reserve.Given its Highland location, it should be no surprise that the Sigoldufoss waterfall is close to beautiful hiking destinations. 

The Fjallabak Nature Reserve is just south of the waterfall. It’s a stunning area known for colorful mountains and sweeping geothermal valleys. The reserve is also home to the Landmannalaugar hiking area, one of Iceland’s most famous trekking destinations.

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