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Guía de Viaje a Bjarnarhöfn

2 Verified reviews
Campos de Lava, Montañas, Atracciones culturales, Observación de aves, Formaciones rocosas
Western Region, Iceland
Distancia desde el centro
36.7 km
Temporada alta
Ideal para familias
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Número de reseñas

Bjarnarhofn is a farmstead on the Snaefellsnes peninsula. Many notable Icelanders lived here. Bjarnarhofn's church and shark museum are listed as the nr. 1 Snaefellsnes attractions by Lonely Planet travellers. Also don't miss the colourful Berserkjahraun lava field.

Browse a wide range of Snaefellsnes Peninsula tours.


At the shark museum, you can learn about the habits and biology of the Greenland shark and the seafarers who risked their lives hunting it. Try a bit of shark, best washed down with a nice portion of Brennivin.

Above Bjarnarhofn lies Bjarnarhafnarfjall, where seagulls are particularly common and nearby is the rugged Berserkjahraun lava field, 'Berserk's lava'. It has all kinds of strange shapes, with beautiful colours, and stark contrasts in the rock and mosses. The area is steeped in history, featuring prominently in Eyrbyggja saga and Heidarviga saga.

Bjarnarhofn is a town with a fascinating shark museum,Photo above from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Chris 73. No edits made.

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