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Guía de Viaje a Dyrfjöll

29 Verified reviews
Volcanes, Montañas
Temporada alta
Ideal para familias
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Dyrfjöll is a series of mountains within a great mountain range that rests between fjord Borgarfjörður Eystri and the municipality Fljótsdalshérað in East Iceland. 

The mountains get their name from their most famous feature; a large gap called Dyr which translates to “door”.   

Explore this area while on a self drive tour in Iceland.

Geology and Surroundings

The mountains’ highest peak reaches 1,136 metres (3,727 feet) above sea level. The mountains are central volcanoes with two major silicic phases of activity that produced a myriad of calderas which are brightly visible throughout the volcanic field. Just below Dyrfjöll lies Stórurð, one of the highlights of East Iceland, which consists of large tuff boulders, scenic ponds and meadows. The area can be reached through the pass of Vatnsskarð. 


Hiking through Dyrfjöll is considered challenging, but very awarding. The hike usually begins just outside the town Jökulsá við Bakkagerði. The route begins calmly enough, but as you reach higher levels, you are greeted with steep ridges filled with permanent patches of snow. The hike goes all the way up to the specific mountain of Ytra-Dyrfjall, but only the experienced few reach its peak. The first time in recorded history in which the peak was reached was in 1952. 

When hiking in Iceland, always remember to prepare and submit your travel plan here

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