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Guía de Viaje a Jökulheimar

5 Google reseñas
Glaciares, Campos de Lava, Montañas, Ríos, Cráteres
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At Jokulheimar, close to Tungnarjokull glacier in Vatnajokull National Park are two cabins run by the Icelandic Glacier Research Association.

Explore this area of Iceland on a self drive tour.

Accommodation can be had at the cabins, as long as the Glacier Research Association is contacted about it in due time. For a number of years the cabin was also used as a weather station and it is still used as a center for research expeditions to Vatnajokull glacier.

The area of Jokulheimar is quite barren and scarce growth can be found there but it is quite impressive as well, as the gravelly and lapid tracts are surrounded by various craters, pillow lava and glacier-carved tuff cliffs.

From the Tungnarjokull glacier falls the river Tungna, which is one of Iceland‘s most volumnous glacier rivers. This river can be crossed by 4x4 jeeps, but due to its power, only those experienced in jeep driving and in crossing rivers by automobile should attempt this.

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