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Guía de Viaje a Seltjarnarnes

47 Verified reviews
Islas, Atracciones culturales, Observación de aves, Reservas Naturales, Ciudades y Pueblos
2 km²
Temporada alta
Temperatura media
1°C - 3°C / 33.8°F - 37.4°F
Ideal para familias
Densidad de población
Puntuación media
Número de reseñas

The Seltjarnarnes Peninsula houses the Grotta lighthouse.

Seltjarnarnes is a township in the Reykjavik district. It has a population of about 4600 people and land-wise it is the smallest township in the country (2 km²). It is situated at the tip of the peninsula of the same name. 

While in the area, learn more about Reykjavik on a city tour.

The area around Grotta island and Bakkatjorn pond on Seltjarnarnes, both of them natural reserves, is particularly beautiful and rich with birdlife. A charming old lighthouse is located on Grotta.

Culturewise the township features a Medical History Museum, an independent theatre and a star observation society. Seltjarnarnes has also made a name for itself in sports, football team Grotta playing in Iceland's second level and their handball team playing the premier division.

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