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Guide de Voyage : Morsárfoss

Tourist Attraction
Adapté aux familles
Nombre de baisses
240 m
Note moyenne
Nombre d'avis

Morsarfoss is the tallest waterfall in Iceland, but very hard to access.

Morsárfoss is Iceland's tallest waterfall, measuring 228 metres. In fact, there are several waterfalls in the area, and sometimes people talk about Morsárfossar (the waterfall's name in plural).

Explore the East of Iceland on an Eastfjords tour.

Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Remih. No edits made.

Many people claim that Glymur is Iceland's tallest waterfall (at 198 metres), and for many years it was. However, in 2007, Morsárjökull glacier - an outlet glacier of Vatnajökull glacier, had started to melt and these new waterfalls were formed and became visible.

For years it was hard to measure the exact height of the tallest one of these waterfalls, due to parts of it being covered by ice and large chunks of ice continuously falling off the edge of the glacier, making it extremely dangerous to go close to the waterfall itself. To begin with, it was estimated to be no less than 240 metres, but it is now measured at 228 metres, although that number may change.

The waterfall is impressive, with a single drop falling off the high cliffs, surrounded by many other waterfalls cascading down a wall of rock, framed with glacial ice on both top and bottom.

It is however very difficult to reach, at least to see it from up close. A good view of the waterfall can be had from Kristínartindar peaks, accessible with a hike on a trail from Skaftafell. However, they are 6 km away from the waterfall itself so binoculars will help with a better view.

To get up close to the waterfall it is necessary to hike over a moving glacier, meaning those that do will need crampons, ice axes and preferably be wearing a safety harness with a lifeline - so hiking near to the waterfall is only recommended with a local guide that's familiar with the area.

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