Day 16 of 3 Week Iceland Trip

Day 16 of 3 Week Iceland Trip

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Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland.

Day 16 of 3 Week Iceland Trip

Day 16 in Iceland: From Kirkjubæjarklaustur to Vík í Mýrdal  (184km)

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland.

Today we went to see the Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon; we walked to the top and back. At present Renault and Peugeot are advertising their cars in The Netherlands with Iceland images, this was one of the sites.

Day 16 of 3 Week Iceland Trip

We continued the F206 to Lakagígar in Iceland's highlands, a long route through the old lava fields and past many craters and pseudo craters. In order to drive on Iceland's F roads you need to be driving a 4WD SUV, not a small car.

You can find 4WD rental cars here.

Lakagígar is one of Iceland's largest volcanic eruption sites, and the most destructive volcanic eruption in Iceland took place here. The sheer size of this old eruption zone is impressive. This must have been Hell on Earth in 1783. 24 km: 120 craters.

The eruption caused Iceland to be in blue-grey fumes during summer and autumn. Grass stopped growing and lots of cattle were lost. The years to come the population suffered from famine.

See also: Volcanoes in Iceland

Day 16 of 3 Week Iceland Trip

Day 16 of 3 Week Iceland Trip

Day 16 of 3 Week Iceland Trip

We eventually made it to Vík, a small village of about 300 people.

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