Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

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Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland.

Day 7 in Iceland: From Ísafjörður to Flókalundur (216 km).

In the evening my wife read to me about route 622 in our Dutch travel-guide.

The road they forgot to add the F.

If you have a Jeep, 4x4 experience, time and steel nerves, It is possible to drive the track from Þingeyri via Svalgahamar, Lokinhamar and Alftamyri.” (Willem van Blijderveen)

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

She knew immediately this was a mistake, I would want to go there.

Route 622 can be found on Internet as one of the most dangerous roads in the world. Some people say it is the most terrifying road in the country. It is a beautiful route to take with the road carved into and under cliffs and great mountain views all the way.

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

The road is 22 km long. To drive on this road you need a 4x4 with high ground clearance. It's a loose rocky track, and sometimes muddy, and you have to go on low tide on the south part of it.

At the other end of the road was a road sign “ófært” meaning impassable.

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

Having driven this road, I can only conclude this was one of the highlights of our trip.

There was very little traffic, in case of a problem you have to be self-reliant.

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on IcelandFrom there we continued to the Dynjandi waterfall. We were impressed by its grandeur.

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

There were a lot of flies, so after walking up and down we continued to Flókalundur to camp overnight.

The Hotel next to the camping had a nice restaurant and we spoiled ourselves.

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

Check out some guided tours of this most dangerous road in Iceland:  Crown Jewel; Kjaran's Avenue & Dynjandi - jeep tour and Svalvogar Cliffs in a super jeep.


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