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Guía de Viaje a Dýrafjörður

Montañas, Fiordos, Atracciones culturales
Fjarðargata 24, Thingeyri, Iceland
Distancia desde el centro
21.9 km
Temporada alta
Ideal para familias
Puntuación media
Número de reseñas

Each of the bays in the Westfjords is absolutely magnificent.

Dyrafjordur is one of the fjords comprising the Westfjords and is situated between the fjords Arnarfjordur and Onundarfjordur.

The best way to visit this area is on a relaxed self drive tour. One of the best options for doing so is this 7-day Arctic Coast Way self drive, available in the summer months.

Dyrafjordur belongs to the municipality of Isafjardarbaer. Two fells together form a sort of a 'door' or entrance into the fjord, wherefrom the fjord may derive its name (dyr=door rather than dýr=animal).

The fjord has a lot of interesting history and natural attractions. Haukadalur valley is the main site for the saga of the outlaw Gisli Sursson, Gisla Saga. At Nupur, an old residence for chieftains and a church site, there is now a nice summer hotel.

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