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Expertos en viajes en Islandia

Guía de Viaje a Höfði

43 Google reseñas
Atracciones culturales
Húsavík, Iceland
Borgartún 105, Reykjavík, Iceland
Distancia desde el centro
0.7 km
Temporada alta
Ideal para familias
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Hofdi House is one of Reykjavik's most important historical landmarks.

Höfði is a building in Iceland’s capital, most famous for being the meeting point of then-presidents Ronald Reagan of the United States and Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union.

Explore the best of the city on a tour of Reykjavik.

Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Laurentgauthier. No edits made.

Höfði House’s Location

Höfði House is located on Sӕbraut, the road in Reykjavík that runs adjacent to the coastline; it thus looks out over Faxaflói Bay and Mount Esjan.

Though several kilometres away from the downtown area, it is a pleasure to walk to, taking you past Harpa, a concert hall, and the Sun Voyager, an artwork. In clear weather, the route provides great views of the Reykjanes and Snӕfellsnes Peninsulas.

History of Höfði House

Höfði is also notable as the former residence of Icelandic poet and entrepreneur Einar Benediktsson. Since 1958 it has been used for formal receptions and festive occasions.

In 1986, it drew the world’s attention, as Cold War presidents Reagan and Gorbachev met here for the first time. This was seen as the beginning of the end of the Cold War.

Though talks here collapsed, they eventually led to nuclear forces treaty in 1987, and marked the beginning of a dialogue between the USA and USSR.

A Hollywood film is now being made about the meeting of the Soviet and US leaders, starring Michael Douglas and called Reykjavík.

The house is rumoured to be haunted.

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