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Guía de Viaje a Möðrudalur

4 Verified reviews
Montañas, Valles, Atracciones culturales
Möðrudalsleið, Iceland
Temporada alta
Ideal para familias
469 m
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Modrudalur a Fjollum is a farm in Iceland with authentic turf buildings.

Modrudalur a Fjollum is the highest positioned farm in Iceland (469 m above sea level) and is located in the east highlands, north of Vatnajokull glacier. It's a short drive from the Ring Road, about 20 km.

Explore this area while on a self drive tour in Iceland.

Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Ulrich Latzenhofer. No edits made.

The farmland of Modrudalur is one of the most extensive in the country and there is a interesting church by the farm, built in 1949 by farmer Jon Adalsteinn Stefansson in memory of his wife. Its inner decorations and altarpiece were made by him as well.

Möðrudalsheiði is a heath near Þjóðfell, Axlir and Selárbotnar. It has an elevation of 573 metres (1,879 feet).  

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