Góa - Konudagur / Women's Day on the 22nd of February 2015
In Iceland we celebrate women´s day on the first day of Góa, the 5th winter month of the old Norse calendar. Earlier, in the medieval times, it was between 8th and 14th of February. This year, the month of Góa begins on the 22nd of February.
Góa is a personification of winter, the wife of king Þorri, and known in the Nordic culture since ages back. There are indications of a blót in the honour of Góa, the " Góublót", a celebration held in late winter in olden times, and still held in some parts of Iceland. Just want to mention the annual Góu fest of the housewife association in Hálsasveit ( locally by Reykholt), these women celebrate Góa not Þorri, but in a similar way, similar food and traditions when welcoming this last month of winter.
While Þorri was invited in as a welcome guest by the lady of the house, Góa was welcomed by the man of the house. Husbands (now all husbands listen carefully and take notice!) were and are supposed to be attentive to their wives on the first day of Góa, the "Konudagur" (women's/ wives day).
Husbands are supposed to give their spouses presents, or/and flowers on this day ( tradition from the 1950's) and arrange baking of nice cakes ( older tradition).
Like Þorri, Góa has been personified in poetry as the wife of Þorri. Sometimes poets adopted a flirting tone with Góa, trying to persuade her to improve the weather! It is said that the weather during Góa gives a good indication of the weather to come…...
"Harsh shall be the first day of Góa,
the second and the third,
then Góa will be good."
Lets hope they are right :)
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