Newborn foal and "Settlement Chicken"
Wanted to share this with you :)
My college in Snorrastofa and training partner (we actually have a very fine local fitness center called "Heilsuhof" at the small village in Kleppjárnsreykir) lives on a small farm in the Valley of Reykholt.
Not only is she our librarian in Snorrastofa, but she also breeds horses + has around 50 ewes and last but not least some very fine icelandic chickens. In Iceland we call them "Settlement Chickens" because these are the same chickens as the settlers took with them 1.100 years ago from Norway. I think that´s great, because I have an "egg subscription " …..
Four of my colleague´s mares foaled this spring and summer, so I wanted to share a picture of this little guy taken when he was only one week old :) Isn't he just beautiful ?
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