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Guide de Voyage : Austurdalur

Montagnes, Vallées, Rivières, Gorges, Forêts
Haute saison
Adapté aux familles
Note moyenne

Austurdalur is a valley in Skagafjordur district in Northwest Iceland. The mighty glacier river Austari Jokulsa runs through the valley and puts its mark on the whole area. The river is popular for rafting and the flora in the area is varied.

Explore this area on a self drive tour in Iceland.

Innermost of the valley is a deep gully through which the river runs down and joins Vestari Jokulsa to form Heradsvotn. This gully, in particular, is highly popular for rafters.

In Fagrahlid there's a natural forest of birch and willow. River Beauty Willowherbs, and angelica grow in the gullys and on the river islands. The perilous Merkigil gully, carved by the river, is also an impressive sight.

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