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Guide de Voyage : Bláhnjúkur

Volcans, Champs de lave
Haute saison
Adapté aux familles
940 m
Note moyenne
Nombre d'avis

Blahnjukur in Landmannalaugar, the Icelandic Highlands

Blahnjukur (a.k.a. Blahnukur) is a volcano in the area of Landmannalaugar, in the South Highlands of Iceland. 

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Blahnjukur's name ('Blue Peak') comes from its blue-black colour, due to lava flows and volcanic ash. Next to Blahnjukur is the volcano Brennisteinsalda.

Blahnukur is popular for hiking and offers a magnificent view from the top, wherefrom five glaciers may be sighted.

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