Informazioni su Stokkseyri
Stokkseyri is a village of about 445 people in South Iceland, founded on the great Thjorsarhraun lava. In former times Stokkseyri was an important fishing center and trading village.
Visit this village on a self drive tour in Iceland.
Notable attractions are the Ghost Center and the Elf-Troll and Northern Lights Museum, both located in the village’s Culture House.
About 5 km from Stokkseyri you can see the Knarraos lighthouse, an interesting blend of art noveau and functionalism styles. Furthermore, the Stokkseyri shore offers some of the most impressive braker waves in Iceland.
We also recommend the excellent and highly renowned seafood restaurant Fjorubordid.
Tour popolari — Stokkseyri
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Il tour più apprezzato della costa sud dell'Islanda con partenza da Reykjavik
Attrazioni nelle vicinanze
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