Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss

Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss

Lyonel Perabo
Autore: Lyonel Perabo
Locale verificato

Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss

So, for two days in a row I had the chance of experiencing some really really strong, almost life-shattering Northern Lights (here, and here). Yet as I was been drafted for a third night out in the wilderness I contemplated the sad conclusion that it would be very unlikely to experience Northern Lights of such an intensity for a third Night in a row.

And indeed, the Northern Lights were real weak for most of the evening. The skies were real clear though, and we headed out towards Þingvellir and soon the (almost) full moon was lighting up the frost-covered hills. It was a sight to behold, for sure, but The Northern Lights that appeared were rather weak:



Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss





We then decided to head North, in a tiny road that leads to Hvalfjörður. Our driver knew a good spot to stay where we would not be disrupted by other busses. This was high in the mountains next to an impressive waterfall called Þórufoss (The waterfall of Þóra). The landscape was stunning but there were no Northern-Lights to be seen:



Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss





Then, as most had already gone back inside the bus, something happened. Something, friends, that I would call one of the strongest Northern Lights I have ever seen in Iceland! The Arch of Lights just moved North-East to North-West and passed just over us, dancing and shimmering for over an hour. It was so incredible that I could not stop taking pictures, to the point I completely lost feelings on my fingers (It was about minus 5 outside). But hell, if there’s something worth losing a couple fingers to frost-bite it’s Northern Lights don’t you think!



Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss






Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss






Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss







Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss






Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss






Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss






Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss




Majestic Northern Lights in þórufoss



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