Northern Lights in Laugardalur

Northern Lights in Laugardalur

Lyonel Perabo
Autore: Lyonel Perabo
Locale verificato

Northern Lights in Laugardalur

For the second time in a row, I got called at the last minute for a tour. This time I was given the task of heading a mini-bus towards the area around Þingvellir in the hopes of reaching the only spot with potential clear skies for the night and We actually managed that feat !

It wasn't easy though: We stopped first at Hveragerði and then at Selfoss but the skies were still mostly covered by a thick layer of evil clouds. That's only when we reached the hamlet of Stóra-Borg, in the middle of the Laugardalur valley (not the same than the one in Reykjavik, just to be clear) that we got an actual sighting, but the lights of the village were still disturbing us so we moved a little bit further up and entered an icy filed where we managed to see much better Northern Lights:


Northern Lights in Laugardalur





After standing on this frozen field for almost an hour we all ran back in the bus and decided to head back to Reykjavik. Shortly thereafter I noticed that the Aurora actually was getting stronger so Dagny, our wonderful driver managed to pull the car on the side of the road so that we could experience the dance of the northern Lights:


Northern Lights in Laugardalur





Looking back now, I realize that my pictures are actually not so well focused (I should now, right? I am the one giving tips am I not?). I should really get myself a tripod but even without, it was a great night for all involved and that's the most important!

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