
Climbing Kirkjufell mountain

Local vérifié

Kirkjufell mountain rises 463 meters above sea level and is the landmark of the small town of Grundarfjörður, my home town. 

Grundarfjörður and Kirkjufell

It is possible to climb Kirkjufell mountain and it takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes or so to reach the top. The view from the top is quite spectacular. The hike towards the peak is not for those who suffer from vertigo because it is quite treacherous. But it is very rewarding once you get to the there. It is NOT recommended in wet conditions as it will get very slippery and hazardous. There have been three fatal accidents in the mountain and two in recent years. The first fatal accident was in 1945 where a local 20 year old man fell to his death. Then during the summer og 2017 a tourist fell to his death and another traveller in the fall of 2018. 

Grundarfjörður as seen from Kirkjufell

The hike down is also about 1 hour and 30 minutes and you better mind where you step because one wrong move can lead to devastating consequences. There have been fatal accidents on this hiking trail so be careful.


The video below and the pictures above are from my hike up the mountain with my friends taken on 21. august 2014 in a beautiful weather. 

Gangan á Kirkjufell from Tomas Kristjansson on Vimeo.

Hope you enjoy

Tómas Freyr

See also:

Tours of Kirkjufell and Snefellsnes Peninsula

Midnight Sun Season in Kirkjufell

Mountains in Iceland

Top 10 Most Beautiful Waterfalls in Iceland

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