Ringroad Selfdrive Tour - 8th Day - In 8 Days around the Island

Ringroad Selfdrive Tour - 8th Day - In 8 Days around the Island

Verifizierter Einheimischer

Following route 1 – also called the ringroad – we took a car all the way around Iceland. This is Day 8.

(Für die Deutsche Version dieses Artikels, klicken Sie hier: German Version )


Climbing out of the tent in the cold for the last time, the last time furling the sleeping bags, cooking porridge on the ground, behind the car so the wind doesn’t kill the flame…The 8th day was breaking: The beginning of the end of our roadtrip.


Today, not only one, but three waterfalls were on the agenda. Hraunfossar and Barnafoss, both entering the same river. AndFossatún which is told to be guarded by a she-troll named Drifa. You might think about something mystical by reading that… But this last waterfall turned out to be hardly more than a stream flowing over some big stones.
Therefore you find lots of boards next to the “waterfall”, on which one can read the stories about Drifa and other trolls. These boards seem to be made for children – but I am not sure if I would tell my (hypothetical) little children stories about trolls killing humans and each other… Or just eating one another… The Icelanders appear to be tough concerning their bedtime stories. 

In fact, the word “troll” is used generously in Icelandic fairytales and sagas.
Bovine or extremly ugly persons? – Trolls.
Clumsy, left-handed creatures that turn into stone by daylight? – Trolls.
And of course these scary monsters that sneak into bedrooms of little children to kidnapp and eat them…
And then there is this cow. The giant troll-cow Hvítserkur who used to stroll to the northern coast for a drink in the ocean – untill it was surprised by the dawn and turned into stone. You can still see her if you go to the peninsula Vatnsnes: A strangely formed rock standing in the water, which could thoroughly represent a drinking cow. As it is made of stone, that totally PROOVES that it had been a troll once upon a time. Well, a troll-cow. 


(Sorry for this picture… We just had to take it)  

As we are already in the middle of the Icelandic Myths and Sagas, we just continue there: In Borgarnes, a town only one hour from Reykjavik, we went to an exhibition about Egil’s Saga. This saga is another proof that Icelanders have a preference for really dark, really bloody stories about really extraordinary characters (not to say: disturbed!).

I can only recommend this exhibition! The saga itself is a great story (yes, I also like characters that are somehow… different) And except for the fact that you get overflown by the names of all sons, uncles and grandchildren of any single character that appears, you can almost read this saga like a modern fantasy book!
The exhibition portrays the different stages of Egil’s life in a great way. At some points it was even a bit scary, especially at the part about Egil’s grandfather Kveldúlf – A berserker who hopefully didn’t look as abstruse and crippled as the lifelike puppet with a wolf mask that we had to run past.

Anyhow we know now: Don’t ever play ice hockey with your father! At least if he has the unpleasant habit to spontaneously turn into a wild beast… 

And then we already headed back to Reykjavik! I must admit, the prospect to sleep in a proper bed tonight, on a proper mattress with a proper blanket in a properly isolated and definitely not dripping room – That appeared like a dream to me!

Still it felt strange to deliver the car to its owner… And to see him driving away with OUR car!!!


This post is part of a whole series called "In 8 Days around the Island". 

Ringroad Selfdrive Tour - Day 7 - In 8 Days around the Island

You have missed the beginning of our trip? Go to Day 1: Ringroad Selfdrive Tour - Day 1 - In 8 Days around the Island


Interested in your own Ringroad-Selfdrive-Experience?!

Click on this link to book your own 7 Days Ringroad Selfdrive Tour now: Days Ringroad Selfdrive Tour - Guide to Iceland

Or just rent your car here and explore on your own: Rent a Car!

Here you can find a map that shows our route on Day 8: https://goo.gl/maps/5F6sVRx3R9v


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