The Winter Lights Festival - Vetrarhátið 2014

The Winter Lights Festival - Vetrarhátið 2014

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The Winter Lights Festival - Vetrarhátið 2014

Winter Lights festival is held on 6- 15 February 2014. There will be a lot of sparkling events. ''The main objective of the festival is to illuminate the dramatic darkness of winter with a collection of sparkling events, which both celebrate and emphasize the beauty of Reykjavík City.''

Here is a link to the events website where you can find all the events and everything about the festival.

The Winter Lights Festival - Vetrarhátið 2014

Everybody can find something they will like. The events that I am most exited about are: 

Töfraheimur Vatnajökulsþjóðgarðs

The magical world of Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður is a movie by Valdimar Leifsson filmmaker. It is a movie about Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður and it gives us a chance to experience Vatnajökull. The movie will be shown in The Cinema, both in Icelandic and English. 

The Winter Lights Festival - Vetrarhátið 2014

Lunch Beat- Hádegistaktur

Reykjavík Dance festival is having a lunch beat and the only rule is you have to dance. 

Museum night is going to be held on February 7th. 40 museums will be open till about midnight. There will be a Museum night bus which is going to be free  and will transfer guests between museums.

Þjóðminjasafnið or the National museum of Iceland is going to have free tours in English. 

Pool night will be held on February 15th.  Laugardalslaug, Sundhöll Reykjavíkur and Grafarvogs swimming pool will have free entrance from 8 pm till midnight. 

The Winter Lights Festival - Vetrarhátið 2014

There are a lot of events and you can find them all here so if you are in Reykjavík in February, this is something you can't miss ;) 

I found all the information about the events on the Winter Lights Festival's website.

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