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Guide de Voyage : Hljóðaklettar

113 avis Google
Vallées, Rivières, Grottes, Formations Rocheuses
Northeastern Region, Iceland
Heures d'ouverture
Lundi : Ouvert 24 heures ; Mardi : Ouvert 24 heures ; Mercredi : Ouvert 24 heures ; Jeudi : Ouvert 24 heures ; Vendredi : Ouvert 24 heures ; Samedi : Ouvert 24 heures ; Dimanche : Ouvert 24 heures
Distance par rapport au centre
38.6 km
Haute saison
Adapté aux familles
Note moyenne
Nombre d'avis

Hljodaklettar (‘Echo Rocks’) is a distinctive cluster of columnar rock formations, located by Jokulsargljufur in Vatnajokull National Park.

Discover the natural wonders of this area on a self drive tour.

Hljóðaklettar stand at the entrance to Vesturdalur, down by the river Jökulsá á Fjöllum. The columns lie at all angles and derive their name from the strange echoes created by the numerous caves and uncommon rock formations.

Taking a walk through the circular trail of this area will show you some of the most famous formations.

The first rock you will see is called Kastili or ‘the Castle.’ This sits on the opposite bank of a river, with two main pillars giving it a fortress-like appearance. 

The next formation is Tröllið ‘the Troll.’ Many rock formations in Iceland were believed to be trolls who are turned into stone if they are touched by sunlight.

The next is Kirkjan, ‘the Church.’ This formation is an almost perfect arch which is actually the entrance to a cave.

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