Gay Pride in Reykjavik
Only in Iceland is Gay Pride weekend a family event, a celebration lasting 4 days, boasting the heterosexual mayor of Reykjavik as the gay pride parade drag queen.
Well, he was the drag queen once already, so this year he came dressed as a traditional Icelandic woman in 18th/19th Century costume throwing red roses at the audience. The two Hummers from Kiki's Queer bar rounded up the parade, which ended at the steps of Arnarholl. The only man I´ve ever lived with beside my father is my gay, German roomate of 4 years, and he was driving in the parade. One of my lesbain horseguiding friends drove her motorcycle front and center with a cute girl on her back. The paraders included anybody and everybody in rainbow coloured clothes, and though it didn´t matter what size, age or colour you were, today was one of the only times you feel abnormal (or atleast uncool) for being straight.
A 5 year old boy asked his mother who was celebrating Gay Pride, and she said "There are some women who love women, some men who love men, and some women who want to become men and some men who change to women." The 5 year old understood the first two kinds of people, but couldn't quite wrap his head around the trans-gender concept... When his best friend met him later, the 5 year old stared at him quite seriously, and finally turned to his mother and said "but mom, I dont want my best friend to become a girl." Then his mom had to explain that she would always be a woman and his best friend a male, and that coming to the celebration didn't mean you had to be LGBT.
Gay Pride in Reykjavik is basically a time for the crazies and queers to come out, party alongside the young and old, the straight and asexual, to celebrate love and legal marriage for all. Its a time when the public display of affection is not only ok, but advocated, and political protests in favour of gender equality are rampant. So, cheers, to all the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgenders around the world, with love from Iceland!
ブルーラグーン - Blue Lagoon
まずブルーラグーンという世界的に有名なスパについて紹介したいと思います。アイスランドの首都から車で30分のところにあるとても綺麗な温泉施設です。わき水のほかにアイスランドには地熱発電施設がたくさんあり、そこからの温水を利用しています。 でも、Blue Lagoonの魅力はそれだけではありません。ラグーンのミネラルの多くは、あなたの肌のに非常に良いです。例えば、シリカを顔に付けたら、肌がとてもっと読むIcelandic Nature - アイスランドの自然
アイスランドの自然 多くの観光客が自然を見るためにアイスランドに来ると思います。自然は汚くなくて、とても綺麗です。アイスランドの自然はほとんど、昔のままであると思います。 アイスランドの自然でいろいろなアクティビティができます。自分が一番好きなアクティビティは山のハイキングです。夏によく家族とハイキングトリップに行きます。普通に15-20人のグループと行って、みんなとキャビンで泊まります。もっと読むアイスランドの魚料理
アイスランドの魚料理。 アイスランドの経済の最も重要な業種は観光と漁業です。従ってアイスランド人は魚料理がとても好きです。それは魚が新鮮だからだと思います。日本の魚料理と違うのは作り方だと思う、生で食べるよりアイスランド人が普通に魚を焼く。でも日本みたいに全体調理しなくて、アイスランド人が魚を一人分のサイズに切って調理するんです。 魚料理と釣りが好きなら、アイスランドに来たらとてもいもっと読む