Snow lanterns in Reykjavík
Arts and crafts from ice and snow. Find tips on how to make Icelandic ice haberdashery :)
It has been snowing a lot in Reykjavík lately. This is actually the most snowfall ever recorded in December in Reykjavík. Last week the snow was measured 42cm thick, and the record is from the 18th of January 1937 when the snow was measured 55cm thick.
As I live in London, where everything stops working the second there's a 1cm thin layer of snow on the ground, I've heard some amusing comments such as 'I bet everyone just goes on as normal, driving to work and school etc'. Of course they do! :)
However, people in Reykjavík are not used to this much snow. Probably a lot of them are hoping that it will stay so they'll have white Christmas, which is not a guarantee in the city. Many people go outside to take pictures and some even get creative, such as start making arts and crafts from the snow!
I saw some pictures of ice lanterns and got curious. I found out that these have been made by a man named Hlynur Sigurgíslason. The lanterns look easy to make and look great! You'll find all the tips on how to make them on his snow lantern facebook site. Note that you can also do these in a freezer, providing you with great lanterns for a winter themed party :)
Hlynur has even started a little 'festival' of ice lanterns in his street, Sjafnargata, where he aims to have made 100 ice lanterns by Sunday the 6th of December. So if you're wondering where to go for a walk in Reykjavík, be sure to head to the old town in the centre of Reykjavík, in the neighbourhood called Þingholt and look for the best lit street!
Here you can see a few more examples.
Hlynur has been making snow and ice lanterns for a few years and liked the light that came from the lanterns so much that he started designing an indoor lamp in the same style, although made from wool.
He's been selling the prototypes of the lamp in Kolaportið flea market on weekends in Reykjavík to fund the design - and the first lamps should hit stores in January 2016. If you would like to purchase any of his woollen lamps then you can find him at the flea market most weekends, at his workshop on weekdays between 10 and 16 (at Grandagarður 45) or contact him through his snow lantern facebook site.
Now get creative in the snow and enjoy the holiday season! :)
ブルーラグーン - Blue Lagoon
まずブルーラグーンという世界的に有名なスパについて紹介したいと思います。アイスランドの首都から車で30分のところにあるとても綺麗な温泉施設です。わき水のほかにアイスランドには地熱発電施設がたくさんあり、そこからの温水を利用しています。 でも、Blue Lagoonの魅力はそれだけではありません。ラグーンのミネラルの多くは、あなたの肌のに非常に良いです。例えば、シリカを顔に付けたら、肌がとてもっと読むIcelandic Nature - アイスランドの自然
アイスランドの自然 多くの観光客が自然を見るためにアイスランドに来ると思います。自然は汚くなくて、とても綺麗です。アイスランドの自然はほとんど、昔のままであると思います。 アイスランドの自然でいろいろなアクティビティができます。自分が一番好きなアクティビティは山のハイキングです。夏によく家族とハイキングトリップに行きます。普通に15-20人のグループと行って、みんなとキャビンで泊まります。もっと読むアイスランドの魚料理
アイスランドの魚料理。 アイスランドの経済の最も重要な業種は観光と漁業です。従ってアイスランド人は魚料理がとても好きです。それは魚が新鮮だからだと思います。日本の魚料理と違うのは作り方だと思う、生で食べるよりアイスランド人が普通に魚を焼く。でも日本みたいに全体調理しなくて、アイスランド人が魚を一人分のサイズに切って調理するんです。 魚料理と釣りが好きなら、アイスランドに来たらとてもいもっと読む