Free the nipple!
Remember today, 26th of March 2015. Today may have been somewhat of a historical day in Iceland.
It all started yesterday when an Icelandic college girl, Adda Smáradóttir, bared her breasts on Twitter to promote gender equality, only to be cyberbullied by an Icelandic guy. They have both erased their original Twitter posts but the storm of support was already brewing.
The girl's college announced that today would be the "Free nipples day" - and the students were encouraged to leave their bras at home. Some decided to go topless (both girls and guys). Three other colleges followed suit, as well as the University of Iceland. The twitter feed #freethenipple has been going crazy all day and I urge you to check it out (even though many or most comments are in Icelandic). Hundreds, maybe even thousands of women (and men!) bared their breasts and chests today, online or in public - bracing the cold. Students, mothers, grandmothers, teachers - even one MP who posted a picture of her breast with the caption "This one is here to feed babies. Shove that up your patriarchy."
They are opposing the sexualization of the female body - and the double standards that men can be topless if they so wish but women can't. It's worth mentioning for those that didn't know, that men had to fight for their right to be topless in the 1930's - and have been allowed to do so since 1936 in the USA. It didn't take long before they were granted the right to go topless. Toplessness then spread across the world in the following years, for men. Since then it has been the norm.
Maybe it's about time for it to be the same for women?
It's also worth mentioning that Iceland is all about equality. Iceland is one of the most gender equal countries in the world. As well as being one of the most gay friendly countries in the world.
Additionally, this movement of freeing the nipple is completely turning "revenge porn" online upside down. A number of women have commented that because of this movement they no longer feel ashamed of topless or naked pictures that have been leaked of them online.
This news story has already been picked up by various local and international media and press, a few examples can be found here:
And here are just a few select tweets:
"I and a few other girls from Kvennaskólinn took a stroll down Laugavegurinn today with our tops off." Laugavegurinn is Reykjavík's high street.
"Proud and strong women!"
The guys were taking part too:
"Always being afraid of regretting something in the future is a ticket to a very unexciting and boring life."
"The country best in gender equality realizes there still are battles left to fight"
And finally, here are some thoughts I have about attitudes towards sex and nudity in Iceland.
기타 흥미로운 블로그
요쿨살론부터 비크까지, 꽃보다 청춘 5화
드디어 하늘씨과 쓰리스톤즈가 합류했는데요! 설원을 달리는 모습에 저도 아이슬란드가 엄청 그리워졌답니다. 빙하와 빛나는 요쿨살론 첫번째로 향한 요쿨살론(Jokulsarlon)은 아이슬란드의 대표적인 명소 중 하나랍니다. 영어로 Glacier lagoon 이라고도 하는데요. 방송에 나온 것처럼 눈 앞에 보이는 빙하는 빙하수가 흘러서 녹았다 얼었다를더 보기스코가포스 폭포부터 오로라까지, 꽃보다청춘 4화를 따라서
여행 5일째, 포스톤즈가 처음으로 향한 곳은 아이슬란드 남부에 있는 스코가포스 폭포(skogasfoss)입니다. 아이슬란드 남부의 대표적인 폭포 중 하나에요. 방송에서는 들르지 않았지만 스코가포스 거의 바로 옆에 위치한 셀리야란드스포스(seljalandsfoss) 폭포와 함께 같이 들르곤 한답니다. 스코가포스 폭포는 폭포의 물줄기 끝까지 올라갈 수 있단더 보기꽃청춘을 따라서
요즘 인기리에 방영되고 있는 꽃보다 청춘 아이슬란드편! 저도 매주 빼놓지 않고 시청하고 있습니다. 많은 분들께서 포스톤즈의 발랄한 매력과 아이슬란드의 놀라운 경치에 빠져드셨을 것 같습니다! 이번에는 꽃보다 청춘을 따라서 아이슬란드를 한번 가보도록 해요! 사실 아이슬란드가 한국에서 그렇게 가기 쉬운 나라는 아닙니다. 거리도 멀고 항공권도 비싸고! 우더 보기
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