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Alter des Fahrers: 30 - 65
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Dmitry Kudryavtsev
Great service and car, I recommend!

Remy Rojas
Olafur and Robert were very helpful and really just a pair of honnest business owners. The car behaved like a dream, managed to pull 5.5L/ 100 km which means Reykjavik to the glacier and back on a bit more than a full tank. The only problem is humidity which is expected in this kind of van. Best to put the heating on and open the window a little bit to let the humidity out during the night.
Thank you to the great team! We had an awsome time in and with the camper. Everything we needed was thereand thank´s for the insider tipps! Best regards :)
Agostino Perasole
Perfetto. Il ragazzo ci ha spiegato qualunque cosa del van in maniera precisa e ci ha anche dato consigli su cosa visitare. Il van era pulitissimo, molto seri e disponibili. Inoltre organizzano lo spostamento dall’aeroporto al punto di ritiro. Non potevamo chiedere di meglio.
Dmitry Kudryavtsev
Great service and car, I recommend!

Remy Rojas
Olafur and Robert were very helpful and really just a pair of honnest business owners. The car behaved like a dream, managed to pull 5.5L/ 100 km which means Reykjavik to the glacier and back on a bit more than a full tank. The only problem is humidity which is expected in this kind of van. Best to put the heating on and open the window a little bit to let the humidity out during the night.
Thank you to the great team! We had an awsome time in and with the camper. Everything we needed was thereand thank´s for the insider tipps! Best regards :)
Agostino Perasole
Perfetto. Il ragazzo ci ha spiegato qualunque cosa del van in maniera precisa e ci ha anche dato consigli su cosa visitare. Il van era pulitissimo, molto seri e disponibili. Inoltre organizzano lo spostamento dall’aeroporto al punto di ritiro. Non potevamo chiedere di meglio.
Lade Islands größten Reisemarktplatz auf dein Handy herunter, um deine gesamte Reise an einem Ort zu verwalten
Scanne diesen QR-Code mit der Kamera deines Handys und klicke auf den angezeigten Link, um Islands größten Reisemarktplatz in deine Tasche zu laden. Füge deine Telefonnummer oder E-Mail-Adresse hinzu, um eine SMS oder E-Mail mit dem Download-Link zu erhalten.