Go Iceland
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Alter des Fahrers: 30 - 65
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Ich wohne in: Island
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Geprüfte Kundenrezensionen
Lies Rezensionen aus erster Hand von Kunden aus aller Welt
John Arwyn Owen Davies
Very happy with this booking. Think we got an upgrade to a Mitsibushi, nearl a brand new car. Easy process with the company to Pick up and Drop off the vehicle.
Kate Vlchek
I could not find the Go Iceland pick up so we called the number and someone came to get us immediately. After leaving Go Iceland rental, warning lights came on the dashboard (wrench and something about the ESC). We turned around and returned to the rental office where they gave us a different car without an issue. While life was sending us curveballs, Go Iceland was helping us out!
Samuel Funderburk
Shuttle to and from the airport was prompt and efficient. Car was clean and well-maintained. Great value!
Quick check in and check out. Friendly, informed staff. We found a driver immediately after getting our bags and as soon as we dropped the vehicle off. Get full coverage insurance for peace of mind. Vehicle was in good shape and great on gas. Love that they give you a run down of Iceland's driving rules and expectations when you pick up the vehicle.
John Arwyn Owen Davies
Very happy with this booking. Think we got an upgrade to a Mitsibushi, nearl a brand new car. Easy process with the company to Pick up and Drop off the vehicle.
Kate Vlchek
I could not find the Go Iceland pick up so we called the number and someone came to get us immediately. After leaving Go Iceland rental, warning lights came on the dashboard (wrench and something about the ESC). We turned around and returned to the rental office where they gave us a different car without an issue. While life was sending us curveballs, Go Iceland was helping us out!
Samuel Funderburk
Shuttle to and from the airport was prompt and efficient. Car was clean and well-maintained. Great value!
Quick check in and check out. Friendly, informed staff. We found a driver immediately after getting our bags and as soon as we dropped the vehicle off. Get full coverage insurance for peace of mind. Vehicle was in good shape and great on gas. Love that they give you a run down of Iceland's driving rules and expectations when you pick up the vehicle.
Lade Islands größten Reisemarktplatz auf dein Handy herunter, um deine gesamte Reise an einem Ort zu verwalten
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