최고의 경험
연중무휴 고객 지원
검증된 고품질 서비스
아이슬란드 여행 전문가

볼룬까르비크 여행 가이드

6 인증된 후기
산, 강, 문화적 명소, 해변, 조류 관찰지, 호수, 마을 및 동네
Kirkjuvegur, Bolungarvik, Iceland
중심으로부터의 거리
가족 친화적
109 제곱 킬로미터
평균 평점
후기 수


Bolungarvík is the second-largest town in the Westfjords, as well as being its second-largest municipality, with around 950 people. The town hosts one of the oldest fishing stations in the country and is close to good fishing grounds.

Explore a wide range of Westfjords tours.

Bolungarvík is surrounded by large coastal mountains and has been populated since the age of settlement. The town features a national history museum and an open air fishing museum. Bolungarvík has apartments for rent and all basic facilities. 

The surrounding area is pleasant and is popular for hiking, birdwatching and horse-riding. Good camping grounds at the banks of Hólsá river, above by the lake Kirkjuvatn.

Bolafjall mountain is also a popular attraction in summertime as it is possible to drive all the way to its top and enjoy spectacular views.

The popular Icelandic film Nói Albinói was filmed in Bolungarvík.

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