Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

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In February I had one of the best weekends of my life!

Even though it was right in the middle of winter with snowstorms and bad weather, this exact weekend the weather was always at my side and it was two spectacular days, with sun, clean roads with no snow, very little or even no wind!


Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

I left Reykjavík very early because I wanted to make a few stops along the way and have time to visit some places before arriving at Kirkjubæjarklaustur where I was staying, a village with about 160 inhabitants located in the south of Iceland.


I rented a summer cottage through my work union and chose to stay in this village because from there to the destination where my tour would be on Saturday would be about 1 hour and 30 minutes driving.

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

After having a wonderful day visiting the places I planned to visit on the way to the summer cottage I finally arrived! I prepared dinner and watched for hours the most beautiful aurora borealis I've ever seen until today! The sky was completely clean, the air very fresh and the lights were getting stronger and dancing more and more with a very vivid green and at certain times other colors appeared like red and purple!

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull


What a magical night!


Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

The next morning I woke up to the alarm clock very early and super excited for the day ahead! I got dressed very warm, with several layers of clothes as is usual when we do this kind of activities and started my journey to Jökulsárlón!

When I got there, I went directly to the company I did the tour with that day, Local Guide. They have a huge container there at the meeting point in the Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon and from there we are taken to a modified super jeep that takes us to the glacier and also here in the container it is possible to rent mountaineering boots in case we don't have.


Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

My guide that day was Elísabet who was always very sweet and very attentive, always very professional and in a good mood! Elisabet surfs and often goes to Portugal looking for the wonderful sun we have! 😍🌞

I always say that the best of these adventures are the friendships I make along the way and the dear people that crosses my life. Elísabet was no exception!


We followed the trip in the super jeep to our destination and it was a short trip, about 20-30 minutes with spectacular views of huge mountains! It was a spectacular sunny morning and the day was promising!


Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull


When we arrived at the glacier valley, we were given all the safety material that Local Guide provides as well as the spikes to put on the boots, the helmet and a belt to put on the waist and we started our long walk towards the glacier!


Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

I couldn't believe it as soon as I stepped on top of the glacier… it was so beautiful! I had never seen so much ice together and so thick and transparent! The whole walk we did of almost 13km was like this 😍

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Elísabet was talking along the walk on the glacier, about curiosities and care to be taken, which is also very important to be respected for this type of activity to go well.

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

At the end of a wonderful but exhausting hike, with views from another world, we arrive at the ice cave named after Belissimo!

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Wow! I can't even describe the beauty of this Ice Cave! I felt like Elsa from the animated movie!

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

What wonderful blues, along with super interesting ice shapes. I spent the whole day saying “WOW” because I really couldn't say anything else towards such greatness and beauty that mother nature once again offers us!

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull


We stayed there exploring the ice cave for a good hour and a half. We had time to take lots of photos and videos and explore the cave. We had lunch there, some snacks that I prepared in the morning before leaving the house and after that we started to walk back to the jeep but before that we stopped at another ice cave, also very beautiful. The Sapphire Ice Cave! Another ice cave from another world! 


Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

I had already seen many incredible photos from inside this ice cave and I was dying to see it with my own eyes and it did not disappoint! 😍

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Walking inside this ice cave is like being inside an aquarium because of the enormous thickness of ice that is above us, and when the light that enters through the cracks in the ice reflects on it, it really feels like we are inside an aquarium!

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull

Ice Cave Discovery With Local Guide of Vatnajökull


The name of this tour is ICE CAVE DISCOVERY and I would say that it requires some physical preparation for the hike as it is a moderate to difficult hike and it operates between October and March.


Book this tour here!



Em Fevereiro tive um dos melhores fins de semana da minha vida! 

Apesar de ter sido bem no pico do inverno com tempestades de neve e mau tempo, nesse fim de semana o tempo esteve sempre a meu favor e foram dois dias espetaculares, com sol, estradas limpas sem neve, muito pouco ou mesmo ate nenhum vento!


Deixei Reykjavík bem cedo porque queria fazer algumas paragens pelo caminho e ter tempo para visitar alguns sitios antes de chegar a Kirkjubæjarklaustur onde fiquei hospedada, uma vila com cerca de 160 habitantes situada no sul da Islandia.

Aluguei uma casa de campo atraves do meu sindicato de trabalho e escolhi ficar nesta vila pois de lá ate ao destino onde seria a minha tour no Sabado seria cerca de 1 hora e 30 minutos a conduzir.


Depois de ter tido um dia maravilhoso a visitar os sitios que planeei visitar pelo caminho ate chegar á casa de campo, finalmente cheguei a casa. Preparei o jantar e assisti durante horas ás auroras boreais mais lindas que alguma vez vi ate ao dia de hoje! O ceu estava complemente limpo, o ar muito fresco e as auroras iam ficando cada vez mais fortes e dancantes, com um verde bem vivo e em determinadas alturas apareceram outras cores como vermelho e roxo! 


Que noite espetacular! 


Na manha seguinte acordei com o despertador bem cedo e super entusiasmada para o dia que me esperava! Vesti-me bem quente, com varias camadas de roupa como já é o habitual quando fazemos este tipo de coisas e iniciei a minha viagem até Jökulsárlón!


Quando lá cheguei fui ter directamente com a empresa com a qual fiz a tour nesse dia, a Local Guide. Eles têm um contentor enorme la no ponto de encontro na lagoa do glaciar de  Jökulsárlón onde nos encontramos para depois sermos encaminhados para um super jeep modificado que nos conduz ate ao glaciar e tambem aqui no contentor é possivel alugar botas de montanhismo no caso de nao termos.


A minha guia nesse dia foi a Elísabet que foi sempre muito querida e muito atenciosa, sempre com muito profissionalismo e boa disposicao! A Elisabet faz surf e costuma ir muito para Portugal á procura do sol maravilhoso que temos! 😍🌞

Costumo sempre dizer que o melhor destas aventuras sao as amizades que faço e as pessoas queridas que cruzam na minha vida. A Elísabet nao foi excepcao! 


Seguimos a viagem no super jeep para o nosso destino e foi uma viagem curta, de uns 20-30min com paisagens espetaculares de montanhas enormes! Estava uma manha de sol espetacular e o dia prometia!


Quando chegamos ao vale do glaciar, foi-nos dado todo o material de seguranca que a Local Guide providencia assim como os picos para por nas botas, o capacete e um cinto para pormos á cintura e iniciámos a nossa longa caminhada em direccao ao glaciar!


Nem conseguia acreditar assim que pisei em cima do glaciar de tao bonito que era! Nunca tinha visto tanto gelo assim junto e tao espesso e transparente! Toda a caminhada que fizemos de quase 13km foi assim 😍


A Elísabet ia falando ao longo da caminhada sobre o glaciar, como curiosidades e cuidados a ter tambem ao qual é muito importante serem respeitados para que este tipo de actividades corram bem.


Ao fim de uma caminhada maravilhosa mas exaustiva, com vistas de outro mundo chegamos a cave de gelo de seu nome Belissimo! 


Uau! Nem consigo descrever a beleza desta Ice Cave! Senti-me como a Elsa do filme animado! 


Que azuis maravilhosos, juntamente com formas de gelo super bonitas e interessantes. Passei o dia todo a dizer “ UAU” porque realmente nao conseguia dizer mais nada perante tamanha grandeza e beleza que mais uma vez a mae natureza nos brinda!


Ficamos ali a explorar a cave de gelo durante uma boa hora e meia. Tivemos tempo para tirar muitas fotos e videos e explorar a cave nas calmas. Almocámos por la um lanche que preparei de manha antes de sair de casa e depois disso comecamos a fazer a nossa caminhada de volta para o jeep mas antes disso ainda paramos numa outra cave de gelo tambem muito bonita, Sapphire Ice Cave! Outra cave de outro mundo de linda que é!


Eu já tinha visto muitas fotos incríveis de dentro desta cave de gelo e estava cheia de vontade de a ver com os meus próprios olhos e nao desiludiu de linda que é! 😍


Andar dentro desta cave de gelo é como estar dentro de um aquario por causa da espessura de gelo enorme que tem por cima de nos, e quando a luz que entra pelas fissuras do gelo reflete no mesmo parece mesmo que estamos dentro de um aquario!


O nome desta tour é ICE CAVE DISCOVERY e diria que requer alguma preparacao fisica para a caminhada pois é uma caminhada moderada a dificil e é operada entre Outubro a Março.


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