Covid-19 Information About Traveling to Iceland
- Iceland Removes All Domestic and Border Restrictions
- What is the border policy in Iceland right now?
- Is it safe to travel to Iceland right now?
- The current COVID-19 status in Iceland
- What makes Iceland safe during COVID-19?
- How do I get a PCR test before returning home?
- What if COVID-19 affects my travel booking?
- Travel delays
- Are businesses and tours still operating?
- Can I book after I arrive?
- Am I safe to make a booking with Guide to Iceland?
Iceland is one of the world's top travel destinations for travelers. On this page, you can find up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in Iceland and what impact it may have on your travel plans when visiting Iceland.
Below you can read about the latest COVID-19 numbers in Iceland, the current Icelandic border policy, how to safely travel in Iceland during COVID-19, the vaccination progress in Iceland, and the COVID-friendly policies at Guide to Iceland, among others.
Iceland Removes All Domestic and Border Restrictions
ICELAND IS OPEN! After two years of COVID-19-related safety measures, the Icelandic Ministry of Health removed all restrictions on February 25th, 2022.
Travelers to Iceland may now cross the border through the same process in place before the pandemic. You’ll no longer need to present test results or stay in quarantine after your flight. Once you’ve reached your final destination, you’ll be free to experience the incredible culture and attractions of Iceland without restrictions.
What is the border policy in Iceland right now?
The Icelandic border is open to all travelers with valid visas. PCR, rapid testing, and quarantine are no longer required. Travelers are advised to follow common-sense safety protocols whenever possible but are free to participate in local activities, events, and tours without restrictions.
After two years of pandemic-related limitations. Iceland is one of the most stunning travel destinations in the world. It features unique natural beauty that brings visitors from every corner of the globe. If you've been considering a journey to Iceland, now is the time to experience the natural splendor and friendly people of this amazing island.
Is it safe to travel to Iceland right now?
The current COVID-19 status in Iceland
Iceland is a relatively small country that has been united in preventing the spread of COVID-19 by following a strict testing and tracing protocol throughout the pandemic. These proactive measures successfully kept infection rates low throughout the pandemic, making Iceland one of the most consistently safe travel destinations on the planet.
What makes Iceland safe during COVID-19?
Every country in the world is dealing with COVID-19 in one way or another. However, there are a few things that make Iceland a safer place to visit than other countries.
Small population
With just under 370,000 people, Iceland is one of the smaller countries in the world. Having a smaller population makes the virus easier to track and allows travelers to travel without interacting with many people.
Low population density
Almost 70% of the population lives in the capital area. This leaves much of the country to be explored without many people. The population density is low at a little over three people per square kilometer.
Typical exploration activities in Iceland
Iceland is known for its vast open spaces and unique landscapes. The majority of Iceland’s activities are centered around nature. Whether chasing the northern lights or exploring the beautiful waterfalls in the countryside, travelers will likely spend most of their vacation outside in nature. This gives them a unique opportunity to protect themselves by keeping a safe distance from other people.
How do I get a PCR test before returning home?
Many countries require travelers to have a negative PCR test taken within a specific period before traveling back from Iceland. For many, it is within 72 hours of departure. Please be sure to check your particular home country requirements to know how close to your departure you need to take the test.
There are multiple testing centers around the country where you can go for your PCR test.
What if COVID-19 affects my travel booking?
Travel delays
While COVID-19 restrictions have been removed throughout the country, there is still a small chance of travel delays while the country undergoes the reopening process. If you purchase a day tour, multi-day tour, or rent a car on Guide to Iceland but test positive on arrival to Iceland or your flight gets delayed or canceled, you can choose to reschedule your trip to another date. If that is not an option for you, you will get a full refund. If you purchase a self-drive tour or guided tour package, you will also get a full refund.
As long as you cancel your booking with at least 24-hours notice, you will be able to reschedule or completely cancel your trip. Accommodation bookings are the only exceptions to this policy. Each establishment has its own cancellation policy. You can find detailed information regarding the individual policy in your email voucher.
Guide to Iceland has honored all refund requests for COVID-19 related cancellations to date. To cancel and get a full refund after arrival, don’t hesitate to contact us via email with your booking details and test result within 4 hours after receiving the test result.
You can find the full terms of service on each of our product pages.
Are businesses and tours still operating?
Guide to Iceland makes sure that every customer receives the services they have purchased. Guide to Iceland will always offer alternative options or free upgrades if a customer books a service with a company that can not deliver it. However, now that the border has reopened without restriction, Icelandic businesses offering tours and other services throughout the country are fully prepared to welcome travelers back.
Restaurants, bars, nightclubs, tours, and other attractions remain open and accept customers without disturbance to their services and hours of operation.
Iceland’s main attraction, nature, has remained open even when restrictions were in place.
Please visit Iceland’s Official Ministry of Health website for the most up-to-date information on Iceland’s COVID-19 policies.
Can I book after I arrive?
Yes, you can. But we highly recommend that you book in advance. You will get a full refund if your flight gets canceled or you test positive for COVID-19 on arrival. Booking after arrival will limit your options as availability is limited in Iceland right now.
If you have further questions, please drop us an email, and we will help you with your trip.
Am I safe to make a booking with Guide to Iceland?
Yes, absolutely! Here at Guide to Iceland, we’re committed to ensuring those enjoying our experiences’ safety and welfare. Therefore, we are honoring our cancellation policy fully, which you can read more about in our terms and conditions. In short, you can never lose a booking with us. If you choose to cancel your booking, please email us at, and we will process your request.
We look forward to seeing you in Iceland!
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